

What You Need To Know:

SAW VI is another convoluted episode about an angry vigilante who challenges his victims with moral dilemmas that involve brutal torture. In this episode, Detective Hoffman and the wife of the Jigsaw vigilante, who’s now dead, carry on his work. This time, they target the health insurance executive who refused to approve experimental treatment for the vigilante’s terminal cancer. They also target the executive’s staff and lawyer as well as the reporter who exploited the vigilante killer’s story, and a mother and her son. The end reveals the executive’s relationships with these other victims.

SAW VI is far more bloody and gory than the last one. Bodies are cut up, an arm is chopped off, people are shot in the stomach, and acid is poured through multiple holes in the body of one character. Also, the vigilante’s wife is given a task that involves teaching the detective, who murders his suspicious co-workers, a lesson. Once again, the resolution is completely unsatisfying, which hopefully will generate a big yawn in the misguided heathens who continue to pay money to see this stupid series. Please visit movieguide.org for more edifying choices in entertainment.


(PaPaPa, FRFR, PCPC, B, LLL, VVV, N, A, MMM) Very strong pagan worldview where the victim and wife of a dead vigilante carry on his vengeful work of torturing people who wronged him and other innocent victims in a kind of sadistic ritual that resembles a warped moral/religious crusade, plus some strong politically correct anger is directed toward the real estate and health insurance industries, and two characters perform noble acts in two scenes but their efforts go for naught; about 54 obscenities (including many “f” words), six strong profanities and two light profanities; extremely brutal, gory violence includes man forced to cut open his stomach and remove organs, woman forced to chop off her own arm, man has to free himself from a torture gimmick on his head, screws start to bore into the heads of two people, people hang from barbed wire, man’s body deliberately filled with acid, people shot in stomach, man’s throat is slit, woman shot multiple times, hot steam scalds two people, etc.; no sex scenes; brief upper male nudity; implied wine drinking; no smoking; and, revenge motif throughout and vigilante justice throughout, but in very cruel ways.

More Detail:

SAW VI is another convoluted episode about an angry vigilante who challenges his victims with moral dilemmas that involve brutal torture. In this episode, Detective Hoffman and the wife of the Jigsaw vigilante, who’s now dead, carry on his work. This time they target the health insurance executive who refused to approve experimental treatment for the vigilante’s terminal cancer. They also target the executive’s staff and lawyer as well as the reporter who exploited the vigilante killer’s story, and a mother and her son. A twist at the end reveals the executive’s relationships with these other victims.

SAW VI is far more bloody and gory than the last one. Bodies are cut up, an arm is chopped off, people are shot in the stomach, and acid is poured through multiple holes in the body of one character. Also, the vigilante’s wife is given a task that involves teaching the detective, who murders his suspicious co-workers, a lesson. Once again, the resolution is completely unsatisfying, which hopefully will generate a big yawn in the misguided heathens who continue to pay money to see this stupid, abhorrent, and annoying series.

Please visit movieguide.org to see your family’s more edifying choices in entertainment. And, please help us stop your friends and neighbors from seeing such despicable movies as this. The less money they make, the fewer will be made and distributed.