

"Lightweight Animated Superhero"

What You Need To Know:

RYAN’S WORLD THE MOVIE: TITAN UNIVERSE ADVENTURE is a comical fantasy adventure, with live action and animation. 13-year-old Ryan is a popular YouTube influencer with several programs for children. He buys a comic book from a suspicious store. Ryan gets annoyed at his younger twin sisters, Kate and Emma. He vows never to play with them again. Kate and Emma sneak into his room, where the mysterious comic book sucks them into its world. Ryan decides to leap into the comic book and rescue his sisters. He transforms into the animated superhero, Red Titan, from his YouTube videos.

RYAN’S WORLD THE MOVIE is filmed in a simple Japanese anime style. The movie has a light moral worldview celebrating family and courage. Ryan reconciles with his little sisters and promises to play with them whenever they want. That said, the movie has multiple scenes of fighting villains and other perilous situations. Also, RYAN’S WORLD THE MOVIE has some occult elements. For example, Ryan’s sisters get the power of telepathy. So, MOVIEGUIDE® advises extreme caution the RYAN’S WORLD THE MOVIE: TITAN UNIVERSE ADVENTURE.


(B, O, VV, M):

Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements:
Light moral worldview celebrating family and courage where a boy travels into a comic book fantasy world he created to save his younger twin sisters who have been kidnapped by his nemesis in that world and the boy and his sisters reconcile after having a fight in the real world (the little girls wanted him to play with him, but they messed with his stuff, and he said he didn’t want to play with them any more), but there are some occult elements such as a side character in the fantasy world makes a joke about her horoscope, and the twin sisters find they have superpowers in the fantasy world that includes the power of telepathy;

Foul Language:
No obscenities or profanities, three “butt” words are uttered, an animated side character passes gas when it takes a tumble, and three times or so the words “Oh my” are said by characters as if they are about to make a profane reference to God, but they don’t complete the phrase;

Action violence includes lots of fighting between superhero and his arch-nemesis, characters fall down, characters slam against walls, volcano explodes, characters are threatened by flowing lava, villain imprisons two young girls in a box with bars that looks like a playpen;

No sex;

No nudity;

Alcohol Use:
No alcohol use;

Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:
No smoking or drugs; and,

Miscellaneous Immorality:
Boy and his two twin sisters and their friend keep secret from the boy’s parents the dangerous adventure they undergo, and one of the two villains is motivated by jealousy because his sister in the real world has become a fan of the boy who has a YouTube channel and writes and designs his own superhero comic book where he’s a superhero called Red Titan.

More Detail:

RYAN’S WORLD THE MOVIE: TITAN UNIVERSE ADVENTURE is a live action animated movie about a boy named Ryan, who must leap into an animated comic book world to transform into a superhero named Red Titan and rescue his twin sisters who’ve been sucked into the fantasy world and threatened by Red Titan’s nemesis. RYAN’S WORLD THE MOVIE: TITAN UNIVERSE ADVENTURE is filmed in a simple Japanese anime style, with a light moral worldview about treating family members better, but it has lots of fighting and some occult elements, including a joke about a failed horoscope prediction and references to telepathy powers between little twin sisters.

Ryan Kaji is a YouTube influencer with his own successful video shows. He and his friend, Aiden, visit a comic book store. They cajole the clerk, a teenage boy named Clark, to let them into a secret room with special comic books, toys and pinball machines. In the room, Ryan finds a comic book that’s stolen his own comic book characters, including his superhero Red Titan. Ryan sometimes features Red Titan on his YouTube channel, in both live action and animation. Ryan buys the comic book from Clark.

Back at home, Ryan gets upset with his twin younger sisters, Kate and Emma, who mess up some of his things. They just want to play with their big brother, but Ryan vows never to play with them again.

Angry at their brother, Emma and Kate break into Ryan’s room and play with his toys. They discover the comic book, which moves on its own. The book opens up, and an animated tornado sucks Kate and Emma into the comic book.

Aiden finds the door to Ryan’s room open. She picks up the comic book and sees Red Titan’s arch nemesis, Dark Titan, menacing Kate and Emma. Ryan reads the comic book too and decides he must rescue his sisters. The tornado appears and sweeps Ryan into the comic book. Ryan transforms into the animated superhero, Red Titan, from his videos.

As Red Titan, Ryan uses his newfound superpowers to find Kate and Emma and take them back to the real world before their parents find out they’re missing. He gets help from Red Titan’s friends in the Titan Universe to fight Dark Titan and his minions.

However, there’s a bigger threat in the Titan Universe menacing everyone.

RYAN’S WORLD on YouTube started as a toy review website where a much younger Ryan gave his opinion about new toys. That gravitated into several video series, including RYAN’S MYSTERY PLAYDATE, RYAN’S WORLD SPECIALS, which include science experiments, do-it-yourself projects and animated adventures, and SUPER SPY RYAN.

RYAN’S WORLD THE MOVIE: TITAN UNIVERSE ADVENTURE turns into an animated fantasy comedy filmed in a simple Japanese anime style. As such, it has some of the same wacky humor and action viewers can find in many Japanese anime television series and movies for younger children. Examples of this would be titles like POKEMON, SAILOR MOON, RED CAT RAMEN, and SCHOOL BABYSITTERS.

However, the Red Titan and Titan Family videos, both live action and animated, on RYAN’S WORLD involve superhero adventures. Some of these are very lightweight. For example, in one live action story, Ryan and his sisters, wearing capes, must stop a robot who’s entered their house and turned their parents into mannequins. They turn off the robot and turn their mother back into a live person. However, they decide to leave their father a mannequin for one day so they can get a break from him. In another live action story, two adult friends of the family play superhero and search the house for an animated Dark Titan, who’s plastered the house with paper stickers of his face and has frozen the father. One of them captures Dark Titan in a sack while the other unfreezes the father.

RYAN’S WORLD THE MOVIE is a more traditional animated superhero movie. There’s a lot of action and superhero adventure. Ryan, his sisters and several friends fight and try to out-maneuver Dark Titan and the mystery villain who’s helping him. In one scene, the characters are menaced by flowing lava.

RYAN’S WORLD THE MOVIE has a light moral worldview celebrating family and courage. Ryan hurts his sisters’ feeling when he vows never to play with them again. However, Ryan reconciles with them and promises to play with them whenever they want.

That said, the movie has multiple scenes of fighting villains and other perilous situations. Also, RYAN’S WORLD THE MOVIE has some occult elements. For example, one of Ryan’s animated friends in the Titan Universe makes a joke about her horoscope being wrong. Also, Ryan’s sisters find out that their superpowers include the ability to communicate with each other telepathically.

So, MOVIEGUIDE® advises extreme caution for RYAN’S WORLD THE MOVIE.

Watch DUMBO (2019)
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