
Actress Dakota Fanning Wants to be a Mom: ‘More Important…Than Anything’

Actress Dakota Fanning Wants to be a Mom: ‘More Important…Than Anything’

By Movieguide® Contributor

I AM SAM actress Dakota Fanning loves her career as an actress, but she believes she would love being a mom even more.

“Being an actor is a huge part of my identity. I don’t really know who I am without it,” Fanning, 30, told PORTER this month.

“But I also have a desire to set up my life and career so that I always have a choice,” she continued. “Having kids is probably more important to me than anything, even being an actor. If somebody said I had to choose, I would choose having kids. I’m one of those people who has always felt that pull.”

Three of Fanning’s movies, CHARLOTTE’S WEB, DREAMER and I AM SAM, all won Movieguide® Teddy Bear Awards®.

In 2016, Fanning said that her career is “a big part” of who she is. She strives to improve as an actor, but it isn’t her primary goal.

“Personally, my biggest goal in life is to be a mother,” she told Elle Canada. “I’m really looking forward to that, and I want to get to a place where I feel like I’ve accomplished what I want for myself, and then when I have my kids, I don’t matter anymore. Not that I would ever stop working, I don’t think, but I know that changes when you experience having kids.”

“And I’m not saying that you don’t matter when you have kids, but it’s like, ‘Phew, this is what’s important, none of that matters.’ But that’s not for a while,’” she said.

Being a mother is something that she looks forward to.

“I guess when I’ve thought about the person I want to become, having kids and becoming a mother is the ultimate thing. And it’s not that for everybody, but for me, I think it is,” she said.

“I do think that sometimes young women now feel like saying that means that they’re just turning into a housewife. And if that’s what you want, great, but if you don’t, it’s not what becoming a mother has to mean,” she told Elle. ­­

Right now, Fanning wants to have adventures while she can.

“I’m trying to push myself to keep saying yes to things that make me uncomfortable, to keep going to places for long periods of time that maybe I’m scared to do because—God willing—one day, it won’t be as easy,” she told PORTER.

The CHARLOTTE’S WEB actress just turned 30 on Feb. 23. Her sister and fellow actress, Elle Fanning, honored her on her birthday.

“Anyone who knows Dakota knows she has dreamt of turning 30 since she was a teenager,” Elle said on Instagram. “February 23, 1994 the world got brighter and more beautiful. I could sit and listen to you talk for hours, in fact that is my favorite place to be…absorbing your advice, your fascinating view of the world (things you ARE and AREN’T ‘interested’ in).”

“I have always felt safest with you by my side. She is the epitome of what a big sister should be. She’s absolutely nuts ?but will fight for her friends till the bitter end. I love you I love you I love you.”

Movieguide® reported on Fanning’s relationship with actor Denzel Washington last year:

Hollywood stars Dakota Fanning and Denzel Washington reunited on THE EQUALIZER 3 set, nearly 20 years after their 2004 movie MAN ON FIRE.

At the time, Fanning was only 10 years old. Now she’s 29, and EQUALIZER director Antoine Fuqua shared that Washington had a “little bit of a fatherly, mentor relationship” now… 

 “Every once in a while when I would yell cut [Washington] would just look over and be like, ‘I can’t believe she’s like a grown woman now.’ I think it was more fascinating for him than anyone else,” the director continued.

“Well, obviously Denzel and Dakota have a relationship from MAN ON FIRE, which was fantastic,” he shared with Screenrant. “We got blessed and lucky to have her want to do this film, and that love is still there between the two. I think that in this story, it’s much more personal because she doesn’t know why he’s helping her. We discover that, but there’s that genuine love there between Denzel Washington and Dakota Fanning that comes through.” 

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