
David Crowder Recalls ‘Meaningful’ Encounter With Richard Simmons

David Crowder Recalls ‘Meaningful’ Encounter With Richard Simmons

By Movieguide® Contributor

Singer-songwriter David Crowder recently shared his story of a chance meeting with fitness icon Richard Simmons. 

“I met him once at the LA airport,” Crowder said during an episode of John Crist’s “Net Positive” podcast. “He was in uniform, he was in his costume. He had his little running shorts, tank top.”

Crowder continued, “I was probably 50 yards away and he turns, and I’m staring right at him…I don’t know when I started this, but I, all of a sudden, realized I was jogging towards him. I’m running towards Richard Simmons, and check this out, this is what’s amazing — he’s running towards me.”

“We meet and hug…I pushed him away, I got him arms length away, and I’m like, ‘Richard, you saved my life. I used to be 350 [lbs]. And he looked at me and…I could tell it was meaningful,” he said. “Then, I was like, ‘I’m kidding. I’m so sorry, that’s a terrible thing to say, but I love your videos. I love your work.’ I got a photo.”

Crowder recently released his sixth album, “The Exile,” the second part of a trilogy of albums. The first in the series was 2021’s “Milk & Honey.”

“I’ve always worked in threes,” the artist told The Christian Beat, revealing that the third album in the project is tentatively titled “Return.” 

He continued, “We’re just trying to get back into perfect communion with the one who made us, and that journey back is what these projects are sort of about.”

Crowder spoke about his music career in an interview with Fox News, saying, “For me, that’s the whole thing is I’ve been trying to help the church sing and being a part of a community of faith, everybody comes with something that they’re put together in a specific way to aid our experience of who we know as a God in our lives and so that – my role happened to be music.”

Movieguide® previously reported on Crowder’s views on deconstruction:

Worship leader David Crowder said deconstruction helped solidify his faith in Christ, and he sees nothing inherently wrong with deeply examining your beliefs.

“Because if it’s true, it’s true,” the artist explained “There’s no threat to examining what beliefs you’ve been handed. If they hold up, they hold up.”

Even though Crowder has made a name for himself with his multi platinum Christian songs, he admitted that he has wrestled with his faith in private. 

“For me though, [deconstruction is] what rescued me,” said Crowder. “I had to tear it down to know what truth was.” 

Dr. Corne Bekker, Dean of Divinity at Regent University gave his thoughts as well: “Oftentimes, faith deconstruction makes use of the philosophical term ‘deconstructionism’ or deconstruction. And it’s fundamentally based on what we believe with two fundamental assumptions: the first assumption is, that there is no absolute truth – which is somewhat problematic for us as Christians. The second assumption is that the context has more to say about our understanding of Truth, rather than truth itself.”

“When we deconstruct our faith from the perspective that there is no ultimate truth, we end up at the place that we are simply adrift in our own emotions and life experiences – under the prevailing philosophies of our world,” Dr. Bekker continued. “I think a healthier terminology to say is, wrestling with our understanding of our faith. Wrestling with the word of God.”

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