
Fox News Anchor Harris Faulkner on Her Mother’s Testimony of Prayer

Fox News Anchor Harris Faulkner on Her Mother’s Testimony of Prayer

By Movieguide® Staff

Fox News anchor Harris Faulkner recently opened about her testimony and the reason she believes she must share her faith with others.

Faulkner said that her faith journey started at a young age, with her parents.

“My parents were very strong in their faith,” Faulkner told Faithwire in a recent interview. “[M]y father was at war more than once; he was a combat pilot in Vietnam, two tours. It was my mom and me for a while when I was little. And as young as I can remember — probably about two, maybe three — mom taught me how to pray.”

When Faulkner was 6 years old, her mother noticed that her daughter had a knack for talking, and began to brainstorm how she could use that for the Kingdom.

“According to my mom, I never stopped talking,” Faulkner said. “[My mother] would tell me specifically — even more than my father — ‘there’s something about the way that you speak that’s tied to God’s gift. I don’t know what it is, but, when you speak, people listen, even at your little age.’”

“Many people thought as I got older, ‘You’re gonna make a great attorney,’ so I took the LSAT and I thought that’s what I wanted to do,” she added. “But it wasn’t. They talk a lot, too. But what [my gift] was tied to was giving a voice to people who didn’t think they were being heard. And it’s ironic now with all the politics going on, I feel like there’s even a bigger calling to do that.”

Faulkner said that as she pursued her career in journalism, she kept her focus on God’s purpose for her life.

“My divine assignment that I talk to young people about — when you’re falling in and out of that faith zone with God — just remember, try to remember if you can, that we each have a divine purpose, a divine assignment from the Lord, and stick to it,” she explained. “You may be the only person in a room at times that can do what you do, whatever it is that you do.”

“I’m called to be a witness,” Faulkner continued. “I was not called to proselytize and lead a flock— I follow in that sense — but I am a leader in the field of communication. The idea that, over the years, I’ve collected all these testimonies and the lightbulb just comes on after a while. … I have been called to witness. People may wonder, ‘Well, how does a news anchor get into talking about her faith? Do those two things go together?’ Well, in this instance, they do, because I’ve witnessed literal miracles through people’s testimonies. I can pass that on.”

Faulkner, 57, recently released a new book about the importance of prayer, “Faith Still Moves Mountains: Miraculous Stories of the Healing Power of Prayer.”

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