
Michelle Wolf Blasts Pro-Life Advocates in Netflix Show THE BREAK WITH MICHELLE WOLF

Michelle Wolf Blasts Pro-Life Advocates in Netflix Show THE BREAK WITH MICHELLE WOLF

By Tess Farrand, Contributing Writer

Last week, Americans across the country donned in their red, white and blue attire to celebrate the freedom of the U.S.A. Comedian Michelle Wolf also donned red, white and blue Uncle Sam attire but in a celebratory “salute to abortion.”

Her series, THE BREAK WITH MICHELLE WOLF is in its premiere season on Netflix. In the talk show she hosts, Wolf pokes fun at pop culture among other things to make audiences laugh. However, in a recent bit, Wolf takes the jokes from crude, to downright disturbing.

In a six-minute segment on her fourth of July themed episode, Wolf made several comments showing an abhorrent attitude towards the pro-life movement. Some of Wolf’s comments include; “abortion is good and important… Abortion is like BACK TO THE FUTURE, and abortion is the DeLorean, and everyone loves DeLorean’s…”

Wolf continued in her argument stating that Pro-life advocates are actually “Anti-abortion” which to Wolf equals “Anti-Woman.” Her attack is misguided. First, her claim that a woman could be “anti-woman” is preposterous as it insults the very foundation of someone’s being. God ordained a woman’s woman-ness for a reason. Second, Wolf is rather making the claim that “anti-woman” is to be against woman’s rights, namely the right to choose or murder s child.

She also asserts that these people should be focused on Healthcare, Childcare, Education, Gun Control, and Environment. After a plethora of jeers from the studio audience, she continued, “They don’t care about life they just care about birth.”

Wolf is right, pro-life advocates do care about birth, however, they ALSO care about LIFE. The issues such as healthcare and childcare Wolf brought up are also concerns that pro-life individuals care to tackle.

Limiting the argument to say birth is the only concern is ill-informed and debasing. According to a Barna survey in 2013, Christian’s are twice as more likely to adopt a child than a non-Christian. Pro-life advocates deeply care about life after birth for children, but many children won’t have a life to have if their parent/s choose to abort them. Of course, Wolf doesn’t care about this.

She additionally addressed her fears that Roe V. Wade’s decision would be overturned with the appointing of the new Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh under the Trump Administration.

Unfortunately, the statistic Wolf revealed in her monologue seems to be accurate: “1 in 4 women have had an abortion by 45 years of age.” Wolf loves abortion so much, she jokes, “it should be on the dollar menu at McDonalds.” This snide remark shows Wolf’s belief that abortion may be boiled down to just a service rather than a consequential life-altering event.

Lastly, Wolf takes a few jabs at men in their need to “control” women by regulating abortions. She chalks up this idea to the fact that men feel inferior because they do not possess the ability to give life.

The Atlantic composed a piece about the abortion debate. Ilyse Hogue, the president of the abortion-advocacy group NARAL Pro-Choice America mentioned, “America Members of the pro-life movement are ‘not really anti-abortion,’” and argued in an article on Cosmopolitan that pro-life advocates are actually against equality. However, if these babies are truly living beings as science proves they are, then the true advocates for equal rights are actually pro-lifers. As far as the evidence goes, the pro-life groups are using new study’s and research to help protect unborn children.

All praises to God, present day advancements in technology have revolutionized the pro-life argument. As The Atlantic reports in the findings and stance of pro-life activist Ashely McGuire: “Over the last several decades, pro-life leaders have increasingly recognized this and rallied the power of scientific evidence to promote their cause. They have built new institutions to produce, track, and distribute scientifically crafted information on abortion. They hungrily follow new research in embryology. They celebrate progress in neonatology as a means to save young lives. New science is ‘instilling a sense of awe that we never really had before at any point in human history,’ McGuire said. ‘We didn’t know any of this.’”

A study in the New York Times also showed that premature babies were surviving longer than expected outside of the womb. “The study, of thousands of premature births found that a tiny minority of babies born at 22 weeks who were medically treated survived with few health problems, although the vast majority died or suffered serious health issues. Leading medical groups had already been discussing whether to lower the consensus on the age of viability, now cited by most medical experts as 24 weeks. The Supreme Court has said that states must allow abortion if a fetus is not viable outside the womb and changing that standard could, therefore, raise questions about when abortion is legal.”

Upon the end of Michelle Wolf’s segment, she adorned her marching band outfit in U.S. color and literally marched with a company behind as she thrust a baton with confetti in the air whilst shouting, “Abortion: I salute you, women if you need an abortion, get one! If you want one, get one!” A banner blasphemously read “God bless abortion.”

There was a time when many pro-choice advocates would argue for the right of a mother to choose to kill her baby but would wrap up their viewpoint with a phrase like, “nobody really loves abortions, it’s just a necessary service.” Well, the time is now upon us where people are proudly stating that they do love abortion, and they’re willing to shout it on talk shows, social media or anywhere. This is a deeply sad reflection of culture.

The gospel of Luke shows that Jesus is personally concerned with even minute details of our being, “Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” (Luke 12:17 NIV) He cares about us, and we all have worth that deserves consideration.

Biblical wisdom reminds believers to value life from the moment of conception:

14I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you
    when I was made in the secret place,
    when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
    all the days ordained for me were written in your book
    before one of them came to be.”

– Psalm 139:14-16 (NIV)

The abortion fight has become more heated in Hollywood due to a new movie starring Jon Voight about the Supreme Court decision of ROE V. WADE (read more here) and a newly picked up movie GOSNELL which exposes the horrors of the corrupt abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell (read more here)

Wolf has a first amendment right to share her terribly offensive and quite frankly, heartless viewpoint on abortion, but her stunt is so aberrant, let’s hope it causes many pro-choice supporters to begin to see the light and choose the side of life.

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