Nick Hall Celebrates New Campaign Reaching 60 Million: ‘With Jesus, Anything Is Possible’
By Movieguide® Contributor
Global evangelism movement Anthem of Grace has already reached over 60 million people within its first month.
“Anthem of Grace is a celebration,” Nick Hall, the founder of Pulse Evangelism, who created Anthem of Grace, told CBN. “I believe that 2,000 years ago, God unleashed this anthem of grace when Jesus died on the cross and defeated our death when he rose from the grave. When that happened, literally a chorus of humanity was unleashed to celebrate, not that we are good enough, but that God has overcome the grave and made a way for us.”
The Anthem of Grace campaign began on Good Friday with an online program that aired in over 60 languages and featured live performances from Steven Curtis Chapman and Miel San Marcos.
“Let’s ask God to unleash a movement of hope and unity and grace,” Hall said in an Instagram video posted in the lead-up to the program. “Can you imagine if the global church was known as people of grace who celebrated the grace of God for them and extended it to everybody around them? It would change everything.”
In a statement released by Pulse Evangelism, Hall said he was “astounded” by the global response to Anthem of Grace.
“So far, over 76,000 people have responded to the Gospel message all over the world, which includes first-time responses and recommitments to Jesus,” he shared. “The impact of this year’s broadcast is a clear illustration that, with Jesus, anything is possible. We are so thankful that millions of lives all over the world were changed for eternity.”
Hall continued, “It is clear that Jesus made a way for us to reach the nations through this year’s broadcast, which is something we do not take lightly. The response to and impact of this year’s broadcast is a clear illustration that, with Jesus, anything is possible.”
Movieguide® previously reported on Hall’s work with Pulse:
Hall also compared today’s culture with America in the 70s, noting the similarities.
“There had been a massive cultural tide of young men and women in the midst of chaos seeing Jesus not as a religious figurehead, but seeing Him as a revolutionary who modeled life a different way,” Hall said of Billy Graham’s time.
“I don’t think they want a faith that doesn’t call them to action,” Hall said. “I don’t think they want a faith that is just about rules, and they certainly don’t want a faith that is just politics.”
Aside from TOGETHER 22, Hall also founded PULSE in 2006 to reach young people with God’s word.
“We really believe that it’s time to rally behind this generation, it’s time to unleash them, to commission them,” Hall said.
“I think we’re living in an age where if you want to follow Jesus, you’re going to be ridiculed for it, and you’re going to be ridiculed for it by many religious people, because they would rather have safety and comfort and power than the things that Jesus actually calls for and invites us into,” he continued.
“So many people speak without hope, they speak as if this generation is doomed, and I would say those people are not speaking with the heart of Christ … because God never dooms an entire generation, there’s always hope because God is on the throne.”