
Evangelist Nick Hall Leads NY Jesus Week: ‘God is Moving All Over the Country’

Evangelist Nick Hall Leads NY Jesus Week: ‘God is Moving All Over the Country’

By Movieguide® Contributor

Pastor and Pulse Evangelism founder Nick Hall headed New York’s Jesus Week with an assembly of hundreds singing “Amazing Grace” in Times Square last Saturday.

“It’s incredible. God is moving all over the country. We’re seeing revival breaking out,” Hall explained on FOX & FRIENDS WEEKEND last Sunday.

“There’s hunger everywhere, and I loved to be in Times Square yesterday with the church in New York City. Three to four hundred churches coming together and just thousands of people rallying around Jesus,” he said. “You know, it’s amazing. Anytime you see people pointing to hope.”

Hall started the “Anthem of Grace Movement,” where, across the country, millions sing “Amazing Grace” and share their experiences with God’s grace.

Movieguide® reported on his “Anthem of Grace” movement last month:

Global evangelism movement Anthem of Grace has already reached over 60 million people within its first month.

“Anthem of Grace is a celebration,” Nick Hall, the founder of Pulse Evangelism, who created Anthem of Grace, told CBN. “I believe that 2,000 years ago, God unleashed this anthem of grace when Jesus died on the cross and defeated our death when he rose from the grave. When that happened, literally a chorus of humanity was unleashed to celebrate, not that we are good enough, but that God has overcome the grave and made a way for us.”

The Anthem of Grace campaign began on Good Friday with an online program that aired in over 60 languages and featured live performances from Steven Curtis Chapman and Miel San Marcos.

In Times Square, the “Anthem of Grace” movement joined the national “Jesus Week” movement to create a “Holy Flood of saturation and transformation” across New York City.

“The thing about this anthem of grace is it’s for everybody, right?” Hall said. “Like, God invites all of us. I told people last night, I said, ‘Jesus is the only one who welcomes everyone.’ Like, rich and poor, sinner and saint, people who have clothes on or don’t have clothes on, which also happens in Times Square.”

The Anthem of Grace team filmed the event for the movement’s campaign. Coverage of Hall speaking and singing “Amazing Grace” along with the massive crowd will be shown in an upcoming broadcast.

For Hall, it’s a privilege to point others toward Christ.

“It’s an amazing thing to get to point people in his name, to point people to the hope that Jesus offers,” he said. “We’ve been training up evangelists from all over the country, a thing called ‘Pulse 100,’ so we have three hundred young men and women. We have twenty of them in New York City, and the leaders of New York invited us to come in and partner with this Jesus Week effort, which is a collaborative effort of New York City.”

“But this is a movement of seeing the Gospel go forward and inviting believers around the world to join the song ‘Amazing Grace,’ and to share their stories of amazing grace because we can’t keep this to ourselves. Everybody’s loud about everything, let’s be loud about Jesus,” he said.

Over the course of five hours, the Times Square event drew over 100,000 participants and onlookers.

“I met one guy yesterday named Luis, he said, ‘Man, I grew up in the church, I’ve gotten far away from God.’ And I’m just sitting there with him in Times Square; he’s praying and giving his life to Jesus, while he’s sitting there, you know, having his smoke, has his drink in his pocket,” Hall explained.

And he’s like, ‘I don’t know if God can still love me. And I’m telling him, ‘Man, God’s grace is for you. He’s always giving us a second chance. We’re one prayer away.’”

Hall believes many people have come to Christ in the last few years. They’ve realized that the things they’ve put their hope in have failed.

“So if you put your hope in politics, leaders come, leaders go. Most leaders let us down. If you put your hope in the economy, how does that go for you?” he said.

“If you had your hope in your health, even that was rattled for people. I think what’s happening is people are realizing that there’s nothing that satisfies,” Hall said. “And at the end of the day, you have to come back to this reality of I was made for more, and I believe this is the greatest opportunity in our lifetime.”

He believes it’s the prime time to share the hope of God because people are ready to listen.

Hall posted about Jesus Week on Instagram Tuesday, “This past weekend was such an incredible time! I had the privilege to share the Gospel in Times Square and speak about how God is moving all over the country with my friends at @foxandfriends. Thanks for having me — the #AnthemofGrace is spreading!!!”

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