Could This Worldwide Fast Change Hollywood?
By Jessilyn Lancaster, Managing Editor
The “Roaring Twenties” fast to see God move throughout this decade is rapidly going viral, even in Hollywood.
“Jesus loves the entertainment industry,” says Jon Groves, an evangelist and Director of Digital Missions with Think Eternity. Think Eternity is an evangelistic organization and founded the fast.
“To entertain is to provide enjoyment while drawing people’s attention to a message,” Groves continued. “Jesus was an entertainer in that He chose stories called parables, to relate with His audience. This Jesus, who is God, created emotions signaled by laughter or sometimes tears. He created people of all skin colors and personalities. He created deserts, beaches, mountains, and planes. All this to say, God loves diversity. He created diversity. So, should you be a creator of some sort in the entertainment industry in need of a muse, who better to turn to for creativity than the Creator, Himself?”
The Roaring Twenties Fast is specifically targeted to 1 million young people, asking them to cry out for a move of God in the 2020s.
This message captured the hearts of actors like Madeline Carroll (I CAN ONLY IMAGINE), TC Stallings (WAR ROOM), Masey McLain (I’M NOT ASHAMED), and Remi Adeleke (TRANSFORMERS: THE LAST KNIGHT), who are all connected to the fast.
“I’m so excited for so many young people to take part in fasting,” McLain said. “A generation will get to watch and experience God delight and move powerfully through this specific form of dependency and surrender. We see throughout scripture how God moved in powerful ways when his people set a part time like this to seek Him. It may look different for everyone, and that’s okay- but it’s probably one of the most important things you can do to start this decade.”
I CAN ONLY IMAGINE’s Carroll says that fasting really can influence Hollywood.
“Fasting can affect the entertainment industry by allowing us to use our prayer time to intercede for the industry and hear what God is saying and doing,” Carroll said. “I personally like to intercede for Hollywood in my alone time with God, and the Bible says, ‘The fervent prayer of the righteous availeth much.’
“It makes a difference, even if you don’t see it immediately. That’s why I love how this is a fast for a decade, not just a year, because God makes everything beautiful in its time. It’s all in His time,” Carroll said.
Shari Rigby of OVERCOMER and THE GRAHAM STAINES STORY: THE LEAST OF THESE will begin her fast this week.
“I believe the question is how can we NOT fast, pray and seek the Lord for direction as we enter into 2020?” Rigby said. “We are entering a new decade and if we follow the example of Christ going into the wilderness, we too must do the same. Let’s unit together to be world changers the way God calls us too by seeking Him and believing through fasting and prayer we can shape the next decade.”
For Think Eternity Founder and Evangelist Matt Brown, these stars are just the tipping point.
Already, many people are reporting what God is doing in Hollywood.
Celebrities including Kanye West, Justin Bieber and Lamar Odom have publicly professed Christ in the last year. Other celebrities like Brad Pitt have opened up about renouncing atheism as their hearts yearn to know the Truth.
Prophetic pastor Shawn Bolz recently wrote an article for CBN titled “Celebrities Are Hearing from God, and It Is Changing Popular Culture as We Know It.”
These are not just the kind of accolades we see at an awards show, when they are acknowledging God’s help with their success. They are sharing very personal, life-changing moments of when God spoke in a supernatural yet natural way that changed their lives. They are sharing these with their general audiences, not just a faith-based one, and it is creating ripples in the sea of fans who are asking, “Does having a personal relationship with Jesus go beyond just reading the Bible as a moral compass?” “Is God real, and if he is, does he still guide people who love him and believe in him?”
The Think Eternity evangelists concur with Bolz, and will use the fast to pray for Hollywood, among other things.
“I’m asking God to continue to expose the ugly face of secret sin. I’m asking God to continue to draw entertainers to Himself,” Groves said. “To, as Kanye put it, ‘radically save the lost.’ I’m asking God to raise up a generation of story-tellers, no matter what their art form of choice, that will carry Christ to culture. Entertainers that will realize their platform on screen and personal life off stage is a pulpit for the masses. What they preach from that pulpit manifests itself in culture all around the world. If entertainers want to see a shift in culture, they must realize their role, and diligently seek Christ.”
To find out more about the fast, click here.