
Popular Christian Music Artists Unite in Live Concert to Aid Developing Countries

Popular Christian Music Artists Unite in Live Concert to Aid Developing Countries

By Cooper Dowd, Staff Writer

World Vision, Compassion International, and Food for the Hungry are collaborating to host a virtual concert in an effort to unite the Christian community and help those who are most vulnerable to the aftershocks of COVID-19 and other natural disasters.

The two-hour virtual concert will air on Fox Business Saturday, August 29. It will feature Christian artists and celebrities such as Hillsong, Kirk Franklin, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Amy Grant, Cece Winans, For King and Country, Micheal W. Smith, and others. Meanwhile, Sadie Robertson and Carlos Whittaker will host the broadcast. 

For King and Country band member Joel Smallbone said that it’s important to point people to God during the pandemic.

“This is the one time in our lifetime that every single human being has been affected by something. It doesn’t matter your educational level, your affluence level, your location, everyone has been impacted by this pandemic and by the conversation that has taken place this year,” Smallbone said.  “The loss would be compounded and deeper and more tragic if we don’t grow and learn and become more compassionate, more kind, more selfless, and frankly, people that are more connected to the planet and people that are more connected to God.”

Smallbone believes this is an oppurtunity for Christians to come together and to grow.

“I hope that [we all] sense a real unified voice,” he said. “I also hope… that a lot of us are able to get out of the way to put focus on the real people that need to be lifted up here. And that is the developing world. I’m hopeful that it will start conversations… that it sparks, lights a fire.

“I think there can be a great, bright future where we look back on this tragic time and we say that allowed us to grow and change and evolve and become better or we can look back and say ‘that was really inconvenient,’” Smallbone added.

According to a press release for the event, now is the time for Christians to rise up and unite to help those who are most vulnerable.

“Christians have always had a heart for helping the world’s poor. Now, as we face a historic global pandemic, three of the world’s largest Christian humanitarian organizations—World Vision, Compassion International and Food for the Hungry—are joining forces for the first time ever through Unite to Fight Poverty to bring the Christian community together in fighting this common enemy to help those most vulnerable to the impacts COVID-19,” the press release said.

The three Christian humanitarian organizations are facing the global pandemic head on with their virtual concert. They hope the two-hour streaming event will help fight the increasingly adverse effects the virus is having on the developing world. 

“We’ve been hearing a lot about the impacts of coronavirus in America, but what about its impacts on the world’s poor?…The ripple effects of the virus could mean no food on the table, no money for rent, medicine or other basic necessities.”


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*THIS IS NOT A TEST* Don’t miss this event on Friday! 😏

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