
Sadie Robertson Huff Shares Gospel with Over 300 Prisoners

Sadie Robertson Huff Shares Gospel with Over 300 Prisoners

By Movieguide® Contributor

Sadie Robertson Huff visited a prison to share the Gospel and help dozens of incarcerated women find new life in Christ.

“I believe that God sees you as pure as snow,” Huff said. “So ladies, today, no matter what consequences you’re facing, I believe [that] if you believe you’re forgiven today, the shame will turn into praise. Your mistake might have changed your life, but it does not have to define your life.”

“And so friends, it doesn’t matter what your past looks like, you can literally today be forgiven by the grace of God because of what Jesus has done for you,” she continued. “The Spirit of the Lord, the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, can be alive in you today and you can be a hero of faith; you can.”

“I think some of you are so used to looking in the mirror and just seeing your past mistake, just seeing you sin and seeing your shame, but I want to tell you that when God the Father looks at you, he does not see your sin, he sees his son. He does not see your sin, he sees his forgiveness,” Huff added.

Huff’s message is a powerful reminder that no sin is too great for God to forgive. Just like that father in the story of the prodigal son, God is eagerly waiting to accept us with open arms if we turn back to him, no matter how far we have run.

The Gospel was shared with 343 women during Huff’s visit, prompting 87 to accept Christ into their hearts. Forty-one women took it a step further and were obedient to the Lord’s call to be baptized as a public declaration of their faith. Praise to Lord for the new life these women will find.

God Behind Bars, the ministry Huff partnered with, is on a mission to “introduce inmates to Jesus and connect them to the local church.”

“We will stop at nothing to ensure every inmate in the U.S. has direct and personal access to the Gospel,” they add. “We want to help them grow their faith, heal trauma and emotional wounds, break addictions and cycles, and allow every person behind bars to step into their calling as sons and daughters of the Most High.”

The group frequently posts YouTube videos sharing testimonies and worship services in prisons that are leading inmates to Christ.

Movieguide® previously reported on prison ministry:

Over 300 incarcerated men joined in worship and prayer when NFL quarterback Russell Wilson and his wife Ciara visited a maximum security prison last week. 

Working with The God Behind Bars ministry, Russell shared the Gospel and prayed and Ciara sang at the Everglades Correctional Institution in Miami, Florida.  

“27 incarcerated men gave their lives to Jesus inside of a maximum security prison,” The God Behind Bars ministry posted on Instagram after the event, “300 incarcerated men filled the prison chapel to hear a word from [Russell Wilson].” 

“He opened the night in Isaiah, ‘Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” – Isaiah 43:19. That is exactly what Jesus did in the prison. After this moment, the prison chapel began to erupt in worship and praise. The voices of the incarcerated were so loud, it felt like it could be heard by the entire prison,” the post continued.

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