
Sadie Robertson Huff’s Testimony: Everything Flows from Following Christ

Sadie Robertson Huff’s Testimony: Everything Flows from Following Christ

By Movieguide® Contributor

In a message to college students, Sadie Robertson Huff opened up about her testimony and how God has worked in and through her life. 

“I started to think about when Jesus came into my personal space,” she said. “The first time I could think of was when I was 13. I loved playing sports growing up. It was what I was super passionate about and worked super hard for.”

Her goal was to eventually be a college athlete, and around the age of 13, she had the opportunity to compete in the Junior Olympics in Austria. 

During that time away from her family for the first time, “I realized I don’t just know about Jesus, but I actually have a relationship with Jesus.”

“My love for Christ set me apart, and that was really cool,” she reflected. 

“I think I saw then what a relationship with Jesus looks like,” Huff shared. “On one hand, you’re probably going to get mocked, and people are gonna make fun of you, and people are going to be rude and not understand.”

“But on another hand, man that aspect of being set apart opens up so many doors to show the love of Jesus to other people,” she added. 

Shortly after the Junior Olympics, her family’s hit show DUCK DYNASTY began. 

“I felt like I was gaining so much but I was also losing all the things that really mattered to me. I lost pretty much every single one of my friends that I had since Pre-K,” Huff said about that time.

“In one year, I gained a lot of followers, but lost all of my friends—lost all of my direction in life.”

“I felt like a hypocrite because I looked like the poster child of Christianity and joy, but my private life was very far from that—a lot of sin and a lot of anxiety,” Huff added.

“Honestly I was really mad at God,” she reflected. “From the time I was little, I genuinely did love the Lord, but this point I was just mad.”

“I was like my future is wiped. Everything I thought I knew is gone. No more sports, no more acting, no more boyfriend…no clue as to who I am.

“I remember telling God one day in an honest prayer that he chose the wrong person. I said ‘I don’t want any of this. I don’t want to be famous. You chose the wrong person.’”

But after hearing a woman preach at a conference, Huff felt like she discovered God’s purpose for her life. 

“It was like everything in that moment as I watched her began to make sense,” Huff shared. “It was like ‘If I did that, there would be a purpose to all the things that you’ve actually put in me to do.’”

“I remember thinking, ‘If that was what you were gonna do in my life, God, then there would be a reason to this. This would be how I could catch fish—how I could fish for men.’” 

From that point on, “I was not someone who played sports and happened to love Jesus on the side. I wasn’t someone who was a celebrity who happened to love Jesus.”

“I realize now, for maybe the first time, that I am a follower of Christ,” Huff concluded. “Everything I do needs to flow from that place.”

Movieguide® previously reported on Huff:

Author and speaker Sadie Robertson Huff recently addressed college students at UGA Bulldogs on a tour with Passion268—the organization that hosts an annual Passion Conference.

In a segment of Huff’s speech, the former DUCK DYNASTY star addressed a popular question among college-aged students: How do I get involved in ministry?

“People always say to me, they say ‘I want to do ministry, I feel called to ministry, how do I start doing ministry?’” she said. “I always say to them, and this is going to sound super simple, but, ‘you just start doing ministry.’”

“There’s nothing to it, because ministry is not a stage, because ministry is not a platform, because ministry really isn’t even a job title,” the 25-year-old continued. “Ministry is who you are, it’s what you are, and it’s where you are. Get this, no matter how you are, what you are, or where you are, it’s always happening. It’s always before you.”

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