Shari Rigby Celebrates DIVINE INFLUENCER Success
By Movieguide® Contributor
Shari Rigby, director of DIVINE INFLUENCER, took to Instagram to thank Movieguide® for supporting the film.
She posted the DIVINE INFLUENCER trailer featuring a voice-over from Dr. Ted Baehr, Publisher of Movieguide®.
“DIVINE INFLUENCER is a heartwarming, uplifting movie about a spoiled, selfish woman finding Jesus and learning to help others. As Olivia, the woman in question, Lara Silva does a fine job showing the growth in her character,” Dr. Baehr says.
“Thank you @tedbaehr @enbaehr @robbybaehr and the @movieguide family for all your love and support for Divine Influencer!” Rigby wrote. “You have championed me, my work and my family over the years and I’m forever grateful!”
Movieguide® has nominated DIVINE INFLUENCER for its Epiphany Prize® for Television, and stars Lara Silva and Jason Burkey have been nominated for the Grace Prize® for Television Performance.
Movieguide® CEO Robby Baehr shared his excitement for the upcoming awards show.
“Last year we saw a lot of strong and inspiring films and TV on the big screen and in the comfort of your living room, and we are excited to celebrate various bodies of work and talent,” he said. “To then be able to have the Awards Show broadcast on Great American Family is icing on the cake. We all share aligned visions to inspire and bring home to viewers, so this partnership is a perfect synergy.”
Dr. Baehr added, “The Movieguide Awards focuses on honoring quality family-friendly entertainment that deliver strong and inspiring faith-filled stories of faith, hope, joy, and redemptive love. We are excited to celebrate another year of honoring entertainment with faith and values.”
The 31st Annual Movieguide® Faith & Values Awards Gala will be held at the Avalon Theatre in Hollywood on Feb. 9.