SOUND OF FREEDOM Actress Mira Sorvino Exposes the Harsh Reality of Trafficking
By Movieguide® Contributor
SOUND OF FREEDOM Actress Mira Sorvino recently shared her powerful perspective on human trafficking in an interview with CBN.
Sorvino’s new film, SOUND OF FREEDOM, is currently playing in theaters. She plays the wife of a man who devotes his life to rescuing young victims of human trafficking. Sorvino shared what it was like to witness people’s reactions to the movie.
“To see people… [with] their hearts in their throats, like watching this unfold and understanding the reality of two million children in the world who are trapped in child sex exploitation right now who are being trafficked and sold to evil people who have not one wit of compassion or empathy for them as human children—it was powerful,” Sorvino said.
The Oscar-winning actress served as a United Nations Goodwill ambassador for combating human trafficking. She understands very clearly how trafficking victims are impacted, how they can rehabilitate and what the human response to trafficking should look like.
When the CBN interviewer touched on the general attitude toward trafficking, Sorvino had a lot to say:
I think that the human brain has a hard time understanding coming back from something so horrific as child rape of small children. I mean, it’s so dark. That we’re just like, oh those poor children, oh, but almost like they’re already dead, you know. Like, we turn away because…we feel powerless to help and so horrified that we’d rather not think about it.
That’s where the traffickers win, that’s where the evil people win. And you know, we all have to rise up and be so disgusted and so moved to help these people that we change the equation for them and we give them that hand out of this trafficking situation, which right now only 0.4 percent of all trafficking victims in the world enjoy. Only 0.4 percent of trafficking victims get discovered, rescued, or exited themselves. The [other] 99.6 percent are going to be trafficked for life or until they…get sick, or age out, or die.
Sorvino spoke with other sources about how the commercialization of sex is interlinked with trafficking. She highlighted that celebrations, bachelor parties and otherwise, should not participate in sex commercialization.
“[It] creates a marketplace for the sale of trafficked human beings.” She told the Washington Examiner, “If you buy it you’re creating that marketplace where traffickers bring their human wares to sell.”
“To end sex trafficking, you also have to look at demand. This is becoming harder and harder as the internet is feeding into the casual…pool of voyeuristic purchases,” she said.
Movieguide®‘s review of SOUND OF FREEDOM reads:
SOUND OF FREEDOM follows the inspiring true story of Tim Ballard, a former government agent who puts his life on the line to rescue hundreds of children from sex trafficking. After an operation that saves a young boy from trafficking, Tim learns the boy’s sister has also been sold into the sex trade. At first, he continues to operate under Homeland Security, but when funds run out, he takes matters into his own hands. With the help of a small team, Tim launches an investigation to save the boy’s sister, save many other children and bring the perpetrators to justice.
SOUND OF FREEDOM is gripping and heartbreaking, but hope-giving. The movie sheds light on the need for strong people to stand up for God’s children around the world who are caught in the vicious, abusive system of sex trafficking. SOUND OF FREEDOM has a strong Christian, moral worldview that promotes sacrifice and the message that “God’s children are not for sale.” MOVIEGUIDE® advises strong and extreme caution for the movie’s mature subject matter, implied and depicted violence, and abuse of children.