
What You Should Know About Gen Z’s Interest in Faith

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

What You Should Know About Gen Z’s Interest in Faith

By Movieguide® Contributor

Gen Z, many of whom have entered adulthood and are making their own marks on society, are opening up about the factors that drive how they relate to the world.

A recent survey from Barna on 2,000 U.S. Gen Zers, ages 13-24, found five key data points about the generation:

1. Gen Z Feel Held Back From Fully Being Themselves

2. Gen Z Prioritize Happiness, Stability & Good Health

3. Gen Z Are Online, But They Still Value In-Person Connection

4. For Gen Z, Morality Is Often Subjective

5. Most Gen Z Say They’ve Prayed in the Past Week

While each of these findings highlights how Gen Z views themselves and their world, their interest in prayer provides an interesting window into the generation’s perspective on faith and God.

“Among all Gen Z, nearly two in three (64%) report having prayed to God within the last seven days,” Barna reported. “This is well beyond the percentage who regularly engage in other spiritual routines Barna asked about.”

“Just under two in five say that in the last week they read from the Bible (37%) or attended a church service (36%). One in three Gen Z (33%) also claim they ‘read from a book on a topic that helps me grow in my Christian faith’ in the last week,” the group continued.

Movieguide® recently reported how the Bible is transforming Gen Z:

“The State of the Bible report found that more Gen Z adults say the Bible has impacted their lives than in 2023, up 4% from the previous year,” Relevant reported.

This contradicts other studies that say Gen Z is the least religious generation ever and most likely to identify as atheist or agnostic.

“According to the American Survey Center, more than one-third (34%) of Gen Z is religiously unaffiliated (‘Nones’), a significantly larger proportion than other generations,” Relevant said.

Relevant added, “One thing to note in the ABS study is that the organization only surveyed Gen Zers ages 18 to 27. That means younger Gen Zers could have a major shift on their generation’s religious makeup. Only time will tell.”

However, despite the rising generation’s interest in the Bible, they still struggle to find a true foundation in Christ.

“Gen Zers have been described as curious, digitally savvy and advocated for change,” said Dr. John Farquhar Plake, chief ministry insights officer of the American Bible Society, last year. “We see all of this reflected in our research, but we also see a generation struggling to find their footing with faith.”

Many Gen Zers have an “organic and free-flowing approach to spirituality,” all while rejecting more traditional faith institutions. While their open-mindedness might be concerning, it also provides a clear avenue to share the true Gospel with them.

“This generation still shows significant interest in the Bible and the message of Jesus,” Plake added. “Ministry leaders may be surprised to find how open Gen Z adults in their communities are to discussions about God’s Word. And if the trends we’re seeing continue — it’s crucial to be having those conversations now.”

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