
Why This Former Disney Star Loves the Psalms

Why This Former Disney Star Loves the Psalms

By Movieguide® Contributor

Former Disney star Leigh-Allyn Baker and Rabbi Jason Sobel are sharing their favorite things about the Psalms. 

“Psalm 91 made me feel free and safe,” Baker said during an episode of GOD’S APPOINTED TIMES. “I mean, there was a point at night where I had a gun safe that — I had to sleep with a gun next to my bed because of the threats, and someone prayed Psalm 91 over me and I felt way more empowered than that piece of metal next to me ever could have made, and I felt more untouchable, safer, freer.”

Baker is referring to the controversy that arose after she expressed her opposition to mask mandates. Movieguide® previously reported:

Leigh-Allyn Baker, known for playing the matriarch in GOOD LUCK CHARLIE on Disney Channel, recently spoke against school mask mandates at a school board meeting.

Baker told the board she brought them copies of “the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, the Federalist Papers and also the Bible. These guarantee my freedom and yours and our children’s to breathe oxygen.”

Baker says she’s passionate about the issue because she has two children who are vaccine injured.

“I wanted to tell you that I have two vax-injured children, and they have medical exemptions after the seizures and the hospitalizations after all of their immunizations. I was granted, obviously, a medical exemption,” Baker said.

Even though her children are not eligible for the vaccine, Baker said she will not make them wear masks.

“Their brain needs oxygen to grow, which the neurologists can confirm,” Baker said.

Sobel agreed with Baker, adding that he loves the Psalms because “you see the entire range of emotion. You see from joy [and] despair, to anger.”

“It’s like a gamut of emotions,” the GOOD LUCK CHARLIE actress replied. 

Sobel continued, “They’re so real, on an emotional level and therefore, I think, really reflect our experience, [and] kind of validate sometimes that those emotions are not wrong to have, but instead of turning inward and bitter and angry, [we] turn it back to God and [give] it to Him and call out for help from the Lord.”

Baker often shares her faith on social media. 

One post reads, “Your circumstances, your past…they don’t define your worth. Your value doesn’t drop because of your circumstances. Nor does your value go up because of public perception or appearance. You are of value just for existing. God doesn’t make junk.”

Another referred to the controversy she faced — “I’m not saying that speaking the truth is going to be easy. I’m not saying you won’t lose your job, face adversity, lose your friends. I have paid a price. To stand up for what you know to be true is hard. But keep hope! Because there are three things that always come out…the sun, the moon and the truth. And sometimes we are just called to do hard things.”

“God has set me on a new path,” she continued. “It’s not one I ever anticipated. It’s not one I ever would have volunteered for. But he uses all things for good. So, I’m grateful for the haters. I’m so grateful for the entire experience! My life is so much richer because of it. See, I was never canceled. I was redirected.”

Baker concluded, “I’ve learned that when God closes a door, don’t stand there crying and jiggling the handle, don’t get angry and try to bust it down, don’t try to frantically pick the lock. Instead, open your eyes, look around and faithfully walk through the doors he has opened right in front of you.” 

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