Why We Rewatch Our Favorite Christmas Movies Every Year
By Movieguide® Contributor
With the advent season in full swing, holiday movies are rolling 24/7, but what makes these movies so popular that they keep viewers coming back year after year?
They Bring Families Together
One of the reasons Christmas movies are so popular is because they encourage families to sit down and spend time together. Streaming services have made it easier than ever for families to view content aimed specifically at them, but many desire co-viewing experiences. Christmas movies, however — especially those made before the arrival of streaming — are enjoyable for all audiences. For this reason, families can come together and everyone will enjoy the show while spending quality time together.
They Remind Us of the True Meaning of Christmas
Another reason Christmas movies are so popular is because they remind viewers about why we celebrate the holiday in the first place. Even non-Christian Christmas flicks almost always teach lessons that are valuable such as the importance of family and friends or that quality relationships are worth more than any material good money can buy. Christian movies take this a step further by extolling the birth of Jesus and reminding viewers of the miracle of the virgin birth and what it meant for the fate of humanity. These are lessons that everyone enjoys being reminded of and they help us find peace and comfort within our chaotic world, which is why these movies are so popular.
They are Fun and Easy to Watch
When families come together for the holidays the house can get busy. When someone throws a Christmas movie on in the background, it almost for sure means that a group is going to gather around the TV to watch it. Better yet, most Christmas movies have a plot that is easy to understand, so when people are popping in and out of the room, it is easy for them to engage with the movie no matter what point they tune in. This makes it the perfect activity for families to gather around even when members are in and out based on the hustle and bustle around the house.
They Inspire Nostalgia
Everyone has fond memories from their past that fill them with joy when recalled. Because Christmas movies are timeless, many of the most popular ones have been around for 50 or 60 years. This means that parents recall watching them when they were young and remember moments from their childhood that involve these movies. Everyone enjoys nostalgia and romanticizing the past, and these movies make it easy to do so.
Movieguide® previously reported:
As we sip our hot chocolate and decorate our gingerbread houses, Advent season is in full swing. With this comes some of our favorite holiday traditions and of course, Christmas movies…. As we approach this amazing holiday, we want to take a moment to dwell on the blessings that Christmas movies can bring.
They Encourage Family Values
Christmastime is a great time to go to the movies with your family and see stories that uplift the family too! Since Hollywood studios know that Christmas is prime for the family audience, they work very hard to deliver options that everyone will enjoy and that cultivate a pro-family message. Recall the beloved movie, IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE. The quintessential family man, George Bailey (Jimmy Stewart), hits an emotional rough patch as Christmas draws near. With the help of Clarence, George sees what life for his family would look like without him in it. George undergoes a miraculous change of heart seeing that his disgruntled attitude detracts for the happiness and love he feels when surrounded by his family and loved ones!