"Saved from Spirit World “Purgatory”"

None | Light | Moderate | Heavy | |
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What You Need To Know:
INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 2 goes in a different direction from its predecessor. Immediately after the first movie’s incidents, Josh Lambert and his wife move their family out of their house and into Josh’s mother’s house. Flashbacks reveal that, as a child, Josh was haunted by the same evil ghost now haunting his children. With help from two ghost hunters, the Lambert family tries to vanquish the ghost, who turns out to be a mass murderer who died. It becomes clear that the ghost is trying to possess Josh’s body by banishing Josh’s soul to the “spirit world.” While his family fights the evil Josh, the real Josh has to find a way to return to the world of the living.
The performances are the best part in INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 2. Patrick Wilson does a good job playing both the possessed Josh and the heroic Josh trying to return to his family. It’s the story and plot that lack cohesion and entertainment value. Also, despite strong moral elements, the occult content is too strong. Therefore, INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 2 is unacceptable viewing, though not abhorrent.
(PaPa, OO, FRFR, BB, Ho, LL, VV, S, M) Strong, mixed pagan worldview with strong occult, spiritualist ideas and elements mixed in with strong moral elements, plus man’s evil mother ghost forced him to wear girl clothes as a boy, and he starts murdering women; nine obscenities (“h” and “s” words), three strong profanities, three light exclamatory profanities; strong scary violence include ghost who was a murderer in real life starts to possess father and attacks man’s family, images of ghosts dead victims, ghosts scare family by playing piano and making electric toy run, ghost of murderer’s evil mother attacks people, images of dead people in “spirit world” haunt man whose soul has been banished there by occult means, ghost corpses of murderer’s female victims haunt people; no sexual content except for references to woman forcing son to wear girl clothes, and he’s shown wearing them in flashbacks and ghostly visions; no nudity; no alcohol; no smoking; and, mean mother figure, but balanced out by protagonist’s positive family.
More Detail:
INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 2 goes in a different direction from its predecessor, which ended up suggesting that a dead witch had bewitched two children. Though the sequel has stronger moral elements, it still has strong occult content where the heroes get help from a dead person to save people from two demonic villains.
Immediately after the incidents in the first movie, Josh and Renai Lambert move their family out of their house and into Josh’s mother’s house. Flashbacks show that, as a child, Josh was haunted by the same evil ghost now haunting his son Dalton. With the help of two ghost hunters, the Lambert family tries to vanquish the ghost, who turns out to be a mass murderer who had died. It becomes clear, however, that the ghost is trying to possess Josh’s body by banishing Josh’s soul to the “spirit world.” While his family fights the evil Josh, the real Josh has to find a way to return to the world of the living.
The performances are the best part in INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 2. For example, Patrick Wilson does a really good job playing the possessed Josh and playing the heroic Josh trying to return to his family from the spirit world. It’s the story and plot that lack cohesion and entertainment value, however. In fact, the visits to the spirit world are a little hokey, unimaginative and unbelievable. The spirit world looks like Hollywood’s clichéd conception of a demonic kind of purgatory. In addition, most (but not all) of the movie’s comic moments seem to take away from the main plot. Finally, though you root for the family in INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 2 to vanquish the demonic murderer and his scary mother’s ghost, a dead medium character in the spirit world helps Josh. Thus, CHAPTER 2 still promotes communication with dead people. The Bible clearly condemns such evil, occult communication in Deuteronomy 18:10-12.
Despite its morally uplifting content, therefore, MOVIEGUIDE® finds INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 2 unacceptable viewing, though not totally abhorrent. The good news is that the movie contains minimal foul language and no graphic violence or explicit sex or nudity, but it has plenty of scares, though probably not enough to satisfy horror aficionados.