

"Love Overcomes Pain"


What You Need To Know:

SOMEBODY’S CHILD is a TV movie about two people with two different lives and lifestyles. Douglas is a middle-aged restaurant owner trying to take care of his mother Constance, who’s battling kidney failure. Benjamin is an ex-convict who’s trying to rehabilitate his life. Benjamin works as a janitor in the hospital where Constance goes for her dialysis. Their lives collide when the mother prompts Douglas to offer Benjamin a job. After Douglas hires Benjamin as a dishwasher in his restaurant, a friendship is kindled. However, it doesn’t take too long for an unexpected discovery to happen that puts everyone’s faith to the test.

SOMEBODY’S CHILD is an interesting story of faith, love, prayer and ultimately redemption. It’s extremely pro-family and uplifting. The story sometimes falls flat, but the acting is great. SOMEBODY’S CHILD has a strong Christian worldview and has no objectionable content, with the exception of one light obscenity. Families will want to catch SMEBODY’S CHILD when it appears on gmc tv and other Cable outlets.


(CC, BB, L, N) Strong Christian, moral worldview with characters praying to Jesus; one light obscenity; no violence; no sex, just light kissing; no nudity but woman wears shirt that’s somewhat revealing; and, nothing else objectionable.

More Detail:

SOMEBODY’S CHILD is a dramatically compelling story of love, forgiveness, hope, and ultimately redemption.

Constance Rivers is struggling with kidney failure. Her 37-year-old son, Douglas, takes care of her every need. Without a matching donor for his mother, however, he’s afraid he’ll lose her.

Meanwhile, Benjamin, an ex-convict who spent seven years in prison for accidental manslaughter, is looking to rehabilitate himself. Benjamin now works at a hospital as a janitor, the same hospital where Constance gets her dialysis.

Constance is moved by Benjamin’s kindness, She encourages Douglas to offer him a job at his restaurant. Reluctant at first, Douglas offers Benjamin a job as a dishwasher.

Douglas begins to date a local travel agent while Benjamin grows closer to the entire Rivers family. One day, Douglas is shocked to here that a kidney donor has been found for his mother. Little does he know is that the anonymous donor is actually Benjamin, who wanted to secretly help the family that’s loved him and cared for him during his rehabilitation.

After the surgery, Douglas figures out what Benjamin did for his mother. Confused by the selfless sacrifice that Benjamin exhibited, Douglas approaches Benjamin to thank him for what he did. Benjamin feels uncomfortable that Douglas knows, but he makes Douglas promise he won’t tell his mother about it.

Then, the unexpected happens when Constance’s body rejects the kidney transplant and takes a turn for the worse. Then, Constance reveals a secret to Benjamin and Douglas that will change their lives forever.

SOMBODY’S CHILD is a low budget television movie with a lot of heart. The acting performances are well played and genuine, but the writing falls flat at times. It has a strong Christian worldview with messages of love, hope, redemption, and the power of prayer. There’s almost no objectionable content, except for one light obscenity.

Quality: - Content: +1
Quality: - Content: +2