Season 1 Episode 4
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Episode four of THE CHOSEN, “The Rock on Which It Is Built,” sets the stage for one of the most recognizable miracles in the Gospels. The plot follows Simon Peter, who has found himself in deep trouble with the Romans. He has only a short time to either betray his fellow Jews or catch enough fish to pay his considerable tax debt. Desperate for any source of income, Peter goes fishing. Meanwhile, rumors about John the Baptist proclaiming a new Messiah begin to circulate among the religious leaders.
Each new episode of THE CHOSEN is intriguing in its own way. “The Rock on Which It Is Built” holds a special interest because of the way the writers have elaborated on the context surrounding Peter’s call to follow Christ. This episode contains a number of tense, dramatic scenes which the actors don’t always seem capable of carrying on their own. The episode is much better when it leans into its clever writing and staging. Some violence and alcohol use warrant caution for younger children. A strong Christian message exists throughout, however.