
Great American Community Influencer Shares Tips for Waiting on God’s Timing

Great American Community Influencer Shares Tips for Waiting on God’s Timing

By Movieguide® Contributor

Christian author and podcast host Tara Sun recently hopped on Great American Community to share Biblical advice about how to wait for God to move, even when it’s “torturous.”

“Society dictates the pace that we live our lives at,” said Sun, author of “Surrender Your Story.”

The author explained that a trend in American culture is to work hard until the point of burnout.

“I want to remind you that in Jesus Christ…we’re told that we can’t trust God if we don’t learn to walk at his pace,” she shared in a Great American Community video. “We need to surrender to his timing, and often his timing looks very different than the world’s.”

She shares these three tips for viewers:

1. Remember your power source.

Remember who enables you to live and move and have your being…Know that you have the Holy Spirit, that you have God to call on to help you do this. Just pray and ask God, “Help me to slow down, walk at your pace, and trust your timing.”

2. Keep your eyes on the prize.

When we rush ahead, we forget what’s truly important….We’re told in Hebrews 1-2 that life is something that we need to have endurance for. It’s a race [where] we need to keep our eyes fixed on the prize. We need to keep our eyes set on Jesus.

3. Look to biblical examples in the Bible.

Open up God’s word and look at how God was faithful to people in the past in their seasons of waiting.

Sun used an example of the Israelites in the Old Testament to illustrate her third point. The Israelites were without a permanent home for a long time, but God ultimately fulfilled his promise to his people.

Sun finished her video with this reminder: “There’s a promise on the other side of your waiting,” just like God and the Israelites.

Movieguide® also reported Kathie Lee Gifford and Rabbi Jason Sobel’s comments on God’s timing:

In a recent episode of Kathie Lee Gifford’s GOD OF THE HOW AND WHEN video series, she sat down with Rabbi Jason Sobel, who shared his thoughts on God’s timing.

“God’s timing often trips us up because his timing is not our timing,” Sobel explained. “But the good news is that those who wait upon the Lord are never left wanting. If we wait for the Lord, we’ll never be left wanting, and that’s the promise we have in Isaiah.”

He then cited Isaiah 40:31: “but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

Sun’s book, “Surrender Your Story: Ditch the Myth of Control and Discover Freedom in Trusting God,” shares a similar message. It’s about how to let God take the reins of your life.

She also hosts the podcast, “Truth Talks with Tara.” On the podcast, Sun gives Bible-based encouragement. She also offers insight into practical topics like motherhood, career goals and prioritization.


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