Lawson Bates Weighs in on What’s to Come on BRINGING UP BATES
By Jenny Frye, Contributing Writer
As BRINGING UP BATES’ season 9 hits UPtv, Lawson Bates, 27, revealed a little bit of what fans can expect in the upcoming season.
“Season nine, I think there’s more happening than there ever has been in BRINGING UP BATES,” he said. “We are all pumped for the new season. There is so much content happening it seems like we say this every season.”
Season 9 of BRINGING UP BATES premiered on UPtv March 5. The reality show follows the lives of the matriarch, patriarch, and 19 siblings of the Bates family as they navigate relationships, friendships, careers, faith, and family.
Lawson, who’s the fourth oldest sibling of the Bates family, loves how real the show is.
“You see the good, the bad, the fun, the downtime, the highs and the lows, relationships, developing life changing different career opportunities for my siblings, so it’s kind of a mixture.”
This was the family’s original goal with the series. Although, other reality shows produce storylines for content and views, Lawson believes that there’s enough material that BRINGING UP BATES doesn’t have to force content.
“I think that’s kind of cool, because we wanted to just be our real lives and people to know we are just regular average people, you know, doing everyday things. There’s just a lot of us and sometimes there’s chaos that ensues,” he said.
With his busy schedule, Lawson isn’t always present for every episode that has been recorded. Whether he is in Nashville, on the road, or on a volunteer trip, Lawson always knows that the show will fill him in on what he has missed.
“I’ll catch a piece, or I’ll be looking at an episode preview and I’m like, whoa, that was cool. ‘I missed that scene,’ or, ‘I missed that.’ You just expect it, but every now and then when you see the show, or something’s happening with your family, then you’re like, well, that’s kind of interesting.”
Of the 19 Bates siblings, seven are married. Relationships are always a topic of BRINGING UP BATES and Lawson has received many questions about his next steps and if they include a special lady.
“I honestly feel that if you pursue what you’re being led to, personally, whether it’s career, the things you’re passionate about, God’s going to bring somebody along to kind of mesh, to do the same for them as far as compatibility, just the right fit at the right time,” Lawson said.
Watch BRINGING UP BATES on UPtv to stay in the loop with the family.