4 Movies That Depict the Painful Reality of Abortion
By Movieguide® Staff
The Supreme Court declined to hear a case that would have prevented a pro-life Texas law from going into effect. As of Sept. 1, 2021, Texas is now home of one of the strictest anti-abortion laws in the country, much to the celebration of pro-life people around the country.
The law says that if a heartbeat of a child can be detected, then it cannot be aborted. A heartbeat can often be detected as early as six weeks in-utero.
Though the law was passed in May, several challenges pushed it to the Supreme Court, which did not act on it before the deadline.
Hollywood often glamorizes abortion, but the harsh reality is that abortion is an emotionally and physically painful process that causes trauma for years to come. Thankfully, there are pro-life movies that depict the truth about abortion — and about God’s unfailing redemption and love.
+1Moderately questionable elements. (Discernment required for young children.)
BELLA tells the story of a delightful group of Spanish-speaking immigrants who befriend a young pregnant waitress. BELLA is an amazing movie. The ending of BELLA will bring tears to many eyes.
+4Biblical, usually Christian, worldview, with no questionable elements whatsoever.
In OCTOBER BABY, a teenage girl who learns she was born from a botched abortion must find the love of Jesus Christ to heal the pain she feels. Once the script comes together, OCTOBER BABY becomes incredibly compelling and shows that forgiveness can only be found in Jesus Christ.
-1Caution advised for older children, including teenagers, and sensitive adults.
GOSNELL: THE TRIAL OF AMERICA’S BIGGEST SERIAL KILLER is a shocking expose of the horrible activities and unclean practices of an inner city late-term abortion doctor in Philadelphia who was found guilty of murdering several babies in his clinic after they were born. GOSNELL contains some foul language and disturbing content, but it’s a compelling, well-acted drama from a pro-life moral perspective that also exposes the lack of oversight by the health departments in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania when it comes to abortion clinics.
-1Caution advised for older children, including teenagers, and sensitive adults.
UNPLANNED is the incredible, powerful true story of Abby, a young woman who gets drawn into working for Planned Parenthood because she thinks that the goal is to help prevent pregnancies. UNPLANNED is extremely well made and powerful.