Published: September 9, 2022

Best Movies and TV Shows That Honor Queen Elizabeth II
By Movieguide® Staff
After 70 years as the Queen of Britain, the longest-reigning monarch in the country’s history, Queen Elizabeth II died on September 8, 2022. Below are some of our top picks for movies and TV series that best depict the late Queen’s faithful and faith-filled leadership and service to her people.

THE QUEEN is an illuminating, fascinating glimpse into the rarified world of the British royalty that tells what happens when Britain learns of the tragic sudden death of Princess Diana in a car accident. With a very strong moral worldview with very strong references to God, THE QUEEN is a rare movie that works on all levels and is fascinating to watch.
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THE CROWN - Season 2: "Vergangenheit"
The episode “Vergangenheit” in Season 2 of THE CROWN is about Queen Elizabeth the Second learning that her exiled uncle, the Duke of Windsor and former King of England, has a dark shameful secret, and shows her struggling with the nature of forgiveness in the Christian faith. Episode 6 of Season 2 of THE CROWN is brilliantly acted, written and directed and has wonderful Christian content about forgiveness, prayer and faith. There is some light implied objectionable content, but nothing explicit.
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THE CROWN: Moondust
The “Moondust” episode of THE CROWN follows Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth’s husband, as he marvels at the American astronauts who land and walk on the moon in July 1969. A self-proclaimed adventurer, Philip struggles with aging, his role in the world and a desire to be a man of action. During his long thoughts about life in “Moondust,” Philip comes to terms with his need for faith in God.
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