

"Hunting for Treasure, Love, Family, and Faith"


What You Need To Know:

BLOOD AND TREASURE: Season Two is an exciting series on Paramount Plus. It starts with an attack on the Vatican to capture a banner called “The Soul of Genghis Khan.” The group that’s attacking are followers of the Great Khan in the current day, who’s trying to conquer the world. The heroes, Danny, Lexi and Father Chuck, must try to get the banner before the Great Khan does. In every episode, as they’re about to retrieve the banner, the Great Khan sends his ninjas, who kill their informants and frustrate their plans.

BLOOD AND TREASURE: Season Two is extremely well-written. The jeopardy is so intense at times that you’ll want to take a break. Also, very often a clever plot twist solves the plot problem in each episode. The sets and locations are extremely authentic. The series also has a strong Christian, moral worldview. Prayer is answered. Many scenes revolve around the priest. And, of course, the heroes combat the forces of evil and darkness. If you like watching series with action and adventure, then BLOOD AND TREASURE should appeal to you.


(CC, BBB, L, VV, S, N, A, DD, M):

Dominant Worldview and Other Worldview Content/Elements:
Strong Christian worldview with answered prayer, many scenes revolving around a priest and the Vatican, and very strong moral elements of the heroes fighting the forces of evil and darkness

Foul Language:
A few obscenities and profanities in several episodes and several episodes with no foul language whatsoever

Violence throughout the series from massive attacks on the Vatican, ships, cities, and groups of people as well as many one on one attacks with people being wounded with blood displayed and people being killed, often on the side of the heroic team trying to solve the problem of evil, threats of violence with a massive release of a virus that may kill billions of people and a nuclear warhead intended to go off in Hong Kong, and serious sickness such as one hero dying of cancer

No depicted fornication but frequently there is kissing and a constant issue of when the hero and heroine are going to get married as well as discussions of the infamous past of two female thieves, one of whom has turned into a heroine

Very brief upper male nudity

Alcohol Use:
Alcohol use in bars, when wounded to mask the pain, but no apparent drunkenness, and alcohol with snake venom is used by the father to relieve his pain

Smoking and/or Drug Use and Abuse:
No smoking, but man dying of cancer takes adrenaline to mask the pain, and there are references to communist experiments on orphans using horrible drugs and operations; and,

Miscellaneous Immorality:
Lying, cheating, church officials have given up the faith, clear deception, kidnapping, and corruption.

More Detail:

BLOOD AND TREASURE: Season Two is a very exciting series on Paramount+ about three heroes trying to find the soul of Genghis Khan, which is a banner supposedly with his hair on it, before the villain, who calls himself the Great Khan, finds it and enhances his abilities through Genghis Khan’s DNA. The heroes Danny and Lexi formed the Treasure Hunting Squad and sometimes work with the FBI and the CIA.

Every episode in BLOOD AND TREASURE has intense jeopardy and very interesting plot twists. The two major heroes, Danny McNamara and Lexi Vaziri, are in love but afraid of commitment. A third, subsidiary hero is Father Chuck, who is a Catholic priest who becomes a Bishop in this season of the series, and who prays in almost every episode. Marriage and family are constant themes, with Danny meeting his father, who was in prison for 20 years and wants to have a few days of being Danny’s father before he dies of cancer. Another major character is Kate Reece, who’s with the CIA, whose father killed some of Danny’s best friends as well as many other people and was extremely wealthy. Every episode occurs in an exotic location, including Mongolia, where the Mongols were supposedly hiding the soul of Genghis Khan. The villain is an Asian who surprisingly toward the end gets superseded by another Great Khan. A prisoner that the villain breaks out of solitary confinement is a brilliant thief named Simon. Another major character owns a bar in Hanoi, where he has a young boy working as a bartender. He’s on the run from authorities in the United States who want to turn his life around. Another major character is a retired Asian police detective.

In the first episodes, there’s an attack on the Vatican to capture the banner called “The Soul of Genghis Khan.” Throughout the season, the group that’s attacking are followers of the Great Khan in the current day, who’s trying to conquer the world. The heroes, Danny, Lexi and Chuck, must find out who’s staging the attacks and get to the banner before the Great Khan does. In every episode, as they’re about to retrieve the banner, the Great Khan sends his ninjas, who kill their informants and frustrate their plans.

In the third episode in Moscow, Danny and Lexi meet the leader of a Russian motorcycle gang. He takes them to Stalin’s bunker in Siberia, which turns out to be the place where the Russians were trying to devise new methods, including viruses and drugs, to kill people and were torturing them prisoners in the forbidden zone, a highly toxic area.

In Episode Four, the Great Khan breaks the world’s most dangerous thief, Simon, out of prison. Lexi is sent to fight in a bar in Hong King, where there are staged combats to the death. It turns out she’s fighting Violet, her best friend when Lexi was a thief. Lexi abandoned Violent, and Violet got arrested and put into prison.

In the episode in Laos, Danny meets his father, who tries to help him find the spirit banner. Danny is angry at his father for abandoning him, but his father tells Lexi he’s dying of cancer and just wants to spend a little time with his son. This strong father son relationship lasts through a couple episodes. Also, Danny’s father takes adrenaline shots to mask the pain from his cancer and drunks a Vietnamese liquor that has a snake in it, so he gets the alcohol and the venom. In this episode, they find out there’s a secret group in the Vatican, called the AG, which teamed up with the CIA, the FBI and the Great Khan to overthrow communism and is now a rogue group. When the Cardinal tells Father Chuck after Chuck is made a Bishop that he has to stop looking for the AG, Father Chuck asks a very evangelical question, “Do I obey God or the Church?”

Episode Eight features Christmas, December 25, but also gets sidetracked with Danny and Lexi hiding in the Vietnamese caves built during the Vietnams War. Eventually, Lexi has to be healed by a group of Buddhist monks living in the caves.

Episode Nine has a very major plot twist. Much of that episode occurs in China.

All of these episodes lead up to the culmination of Episode 13, where Danny and Lexi confront the great Khan, who is a new Great Khan, and they find out the Khan has placed a nuclear warhead in the tunnels underneath Hong King. Father Chuck takes it upon himself to try to defuse the warhead and 24 minutes into the program, he prays a very long and heartfelt prayer to Jesus to help him. Throughout the season, prayer is answered and evil is refuted, but evil is roaming about like a roaring lion and is always there as a threat to Danny and Lexi and all the heroes.

BLOOD AND TREASURE is extremely well-written. Watching on Paramount+, the jeopardy is so intense at times that you’ll want to take a break. Also, very often a clever plot twist solves the problem that arises in an episode. Having traveled to many of the places featured in the series, the sets and locations are extremely authentic. If you like watching series with action and adventure, then BLOOD AND TREASURE should appeal to you.