

"Disturbing One-Sided Documentary"


What You Need To Know:

NO END IN SIGHT is a disturbing one-sided documentary on the aftermath of the battle to overthrow Saddam Hussein in Iraq in 2003. Even though it would be interesting to hear the other side of the story, the movie makes a very strong case that the United States was prepared to defeat Saddam but not prepared to deal with what would happen after his fall. The movie also makes a strong case that the Bush administration made numerous blunders. Unfortunately, it focuses so intently on finding fault with the Bush administration that it doesn’t even acknowledge the responsibility of anyone else on earth for the situation in Iraq.

Americans have sent sons and daughters to Iraq to bring freedom, order and stability. Americans have no desire to stay, but neither do we want to leave only to see chaos and terrorism reign. MOVIEGUIDE® calls for extreme caution when viewing NO END IN SIGHT because, more than a clear analysis, it is a one-sided propaganda piece. Even as such, however, it raises issues that need to be addressed if we are ever to see American troops leave Iraq for good.


(RoRo, PCPC, L, VV, D, MM) Another Bush-bashing documentary with strong Romantic, politically correct premise that American presidents should never make a mistake in trying to save the world from dictators and terrorists; no obscenities and two profanities; some strong newsreel violence; no sex; no nudity; no alcohol; smoking; and, too much one-sided propaganda.

More Detail:

NO END IN SIGHT is a disturbing one-sided documentary on the aftermath of the battle to overthrow Saddam Hussein in Iraq. Even though it would be interesting to hear the other side of the story, the movie makes a very strong case that the United States was prepared to defeat Saddam but not prepared to deal with what would happen after his fall. Also, the movie makes a strong case that the Bush administration made numerous blunders. Unfortunately, it focuses so intently on finding fault with the Bush administration that it doesn’t even acknowledge the responsibility of anyone else on earth for the situation in Iraq.

Among the issues brought out in NO END IN SIGHT is the way Americans squandered the good will of Iraqi people who were glad to see Saddam gone but were appalled by the chaos and looting that immediately followed. American troops were instructed not to replace the police force and stop the looting. It is sad that in the absence of an effective police force so many people were prepared to engage in theft and destruction, but the same thing happens in every war zone and large disaster, including briefly in American cities.

Apparently, several ill-advised decisions were made that angered the Iraqi people and increased the size and strength of the insurgency. Among these was the decision to disband the Iraqi army rather than to employ some of them as police. As in Germany after World War II, you find that not everyone who serves in government is a loyal supporter of the evil dictator. The decision to fire all Bathist Party government workers only added to the confusion in Iraq.

Is there an end in sight? Yes, read the Bible. There is an end.

Will there be peace in the Middle East? Will Sunnis and Shiites quit killing each other and stop demanding the deaths of Jews and Americans? Will the United States leave Iraq to be taken over by a radical America-hating terrorist? The Middle East is a mess that cannot be blamed on any American president. American presidents may make the situation better or worse, but the situation is not something manageable by anyone.

To cut and run may throw more than just Iraq into chaos. To build an Islamic society that sees the United States as a friend rather than The Great Satan will require the wisdom of God. Americans have sent sons and daughters to Iraq to bring freedom, order and stability. Americans have no desire to stay, but neither do we want to leave only to see chaos and terrorism reign.

MOVIEGUIDE® calls for extreme caution when viewing NO END IN SIGHT because, more than a clear analysis, it is a one-sided propaganda piece. However, even as such, it raises issues that need to be addressed if we are ever to see American troops leave Iraq for good.