

"Classic Chaotic Comedy"


What You Need To Know:

I DON’T KNOW HOW SHE DOES IT is a well-made comedy about the capabilities of a working professional women who’s also a mother. Sarah Jessica Parker plays Kate Reddy, a mother of two young children who has a high paying finance job she loves. At the height of her career, Kate finds it hard to juggle being a mother and landing one of the biggest jobs of her career. Then, she has to deal with the unexpected amorous attentions of a co-worker. Meanwhile, her trusted assistant suddenly becomes pregnant and goes to Kate for advice. All this creates a very funny comedy about Kate’s chaotic juggle.

I DON’T KNOW HOW SHE DOES IT is very well done. The script is well constructed, which helps keep viewers entertained, but this is clearly more of a women’s film then anything else. This, it shows some feminist tendencies regarding the idea of the modern-day, married “career woman.” There’s also a fair amount of foul language, some crude content and some lying, so caution is advised. Overall, however, I DON’T KNOW HOW SHE DOES IT has a strong moral worldview that celebrates life, marriage and family.


(BB, C, Fe, LLL, S, A, M) Strong moral worldview with light redemptive elements includes comments about a baby being a miracle, stresses the importance of family, and views marriage as a positive thing with a healthy physical relationship between the couple that is only implied, but with a feminist undertone; 22 profanities, 19 obscenities and some crude descriptions and words used; no violence; implied sex between an unwed man and women, crude language towards a coworker, man suggests affair to female protagonist but she turns down, and men go to strip club but nothing is shown; no overt nudity but girls in sports bras at gym and main character’s nighttime apparel is revealing; alcohol use; no smoking or drugs; and, lying, main character talks a women out of abortion by telling about the glories of having a child, feminist comments about women in the working world, and woman constantly leaves her children for work.

More Detail:

In a comedy about the capabilities of women, I DON’T KNOW HOW SHE DOES IT, Sarah Jessica Parker plays Kate Reddy, a mother of two and a finance executive. Showing the importance of family, marriage, and support, I DON’T KNOW HOW SHE DOES IT has a moral worldview, but does have some feminist elements and foul language.

Kate Reddy is the definition of a capable women. Living in Boston with her husband, Kate is constantly taking care of both her 2- and 4-year-old while working in finance. Even so, Kate has to make some exceptions to be able to do both things at once, including disguising the store bought pie as home made or getting lice from her children before an important meeting and having to play off the itch as nonexistent.

Just as Kate is feeling settled and under control, both she and her husband land a huge job and the juggling begins. Kate flies back and forth, leaving her children constantly with tears in their eyes to land one big deal. Heartbroken herself, Kate trudges on and says goodbye in order to work night and day with Jack Abelhammer (played by Pierce Brosnan), to build a new account, which would be the biggest break of her career. Jack starts to have feelings for Kate and displays them in sweet remarks, but Kate knows she loves her family and her husband and will not give in to the temptation before her.

At the same time, Kate’s assistant, Momo, tries to be a hard businesswomen and show no feelings, but when Momo gets pregnant unexpectedly, she comes to Kate for advice. Kate can only speak of the wonders of having a baby and the miracle it provides, convincing Momo to have the child and transform herself into a caring women.

I DON’T KNOW HOW SHE DOES IT is very well done movie with very comical moments. With a well-defined script, the audience will be kept entertained. However, this is clearly more of a women’s movie than anything else, and it shows some feminist tendencies regarding the idea of the modern-day, married “career woman.”

Overall, however, I DON’T KNOW HOW SHE DOES IT has a strong moral worldview that celebrates life, marriage and family. Even so, caution is advised because of plenty of foul language, some crude content and the movie’s feminist elements.

Quality: - Content: -2
Quality: - Content: -2