

"Back to Family and Basics"

What You Need To Know:

KING RULES is an entertaining, captivating read providing a Christian insight into the Martin Luther King family and legacy. Written by Dr. Alveda King, the guardian of the King family legacy and a good friend of MOVIEGUIDE®, the book gives the principles that guided several generations of the King family. These rules used to be called common sense and derive from a biblical perspective. They cover areas that will make families happy, such as make home a priority, serve your family, defend life, build a beloved community, find your joy, and much more. Alveda reminds us of the importance of these principles and how they shape the character of children from generation to generation. Alveda also reveals some of her own struggles, which provide some heart-rending moments.

The advice in KING RULES isn’t politically correct; rather, it is spiritually true. Serving each other, helping the father be the father, protecting life are not the things we hear today from the mass media. KING RULES is a pleasure to read. It’s the type of book one hopes millions of people will read.


(CCC, BBB) Very strong Christian worldview and discussions of why doing the right thing is the right thing to do.

More Detail:

Written by Dr. Alveda King, the guardian of the King family legacy and a good friend of MOVIEGUIDE®, KING RULES is an entertaining, captivating read providing a Christian insight into the Martin Luther King family and legacy.

There have been many movies, documentaries and books about Dr. Martin Luther King from all points of view. There’s probably some truth in many of them. However, Alveda King’s book gives the principles that guided several generations of the King family so that they made a lasting and positive influence on American culture. These rules are what we used to call common sense and derive from a biblical perspective. They cover areas that will make families happy, such as make home a priority, serve your family, defend life, build a beloved community, find your joy, and much more. Principles that we used to take for granted, such as parents and children eating together every day, have been forgotten. Alveda reminds us of the importance of these principles and how they shape the character of children and grandchildren from generation to generation.

The advice in many of these chapters isn’t politically correct. Rather, it is spiritually true. Serving each other in the family, helping the father to be the father, protecting life at all costs are not the things we hear today from the mass media. The book is very focused on the fact that each member of the King family was called by God to preach and/or teach. Alveda says she wrote the book “because America needs to be saved from destruction. My elders taught me that only Jesus saves.”

KING RULES is a pleasure to read. Alveda reveals some of her own struggles, which provide some heart-rending moments. It’s the type of book one hopes millions of people will read to get America back on track.

Quality: - Content: +4
Quality: - Content: +4