"No Honor Among Thieves"
None | Light | Moderate | Heavy | |
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What You Need To Know:
NEXT DAY AIR stumbles a bit before it gets to its climax in the third act. The story slows down, with too many side trips. Also, it’s hard to sympathize with any of these losers, even a little. That said, there are some lessons learned during the movie’s ending. For example, Leo makes a promise to God never to smoke pot again, and he is rewarded. The movie contains constant foul language, however, and some very strong violence, as well as explicit nudity in one scene.
(PaPa, B, C, Ho, LLL, VVV, SS, NN, AA, DDD, MM) Strong pagan worldview with light moral, redemptive, Christian elements at the very end to provide a slight morality tale, plus a lesbian homosexual reference; at least 376 obscenities, seven strong profanities, six light profanities, and one obscene gesture; very strong violence includes people shot, stabbed and beaten up, man’s throat slit, and people threatened, including customers threatened during bank robbery; two hired prostitutes dance suggestively and kiss in front of two men followed by implied fornication; upper and rear female nudity in one scene; alcohol use and drunkenness; jokes about and depiction of marijuana use, and whole plot involves selling cocaine; and, attempted bank robbery, stealing, cheating, betrayal, and man promises God he will give up using marijuana and he is rewarded.
More Detail:
NEXT DAY AIR is an obscenity-laced comedy thriller about a drug mix-up in the Philadelphia ghetto.
A pothead delivery man, Leo, delivers a box load of cocaine to the wrong apartment address. Two incompetent black bank robbers, Brody and Guch (“Gooch”), open the package and discover the drugs. Brody convinces Guch they can sell the cocaine to Brody’s drug-dealing cousin, Shavoo.
Meanwhile, Jesus (“Hay-sus”) and his girlfriend, Chita, the Puerto Rican couple expecting the drugs, go looking for Leo, who Jesus saw in the apartment hallway with an empty cart. Their boss, a Latin drug lord in California, doesn’t believe their story about the package not arriving, so he flies to Philadelphia to find out what’s happening.
Everything eventually comes to a head in Brody and Guch’s apartment, when the cousin finally delivers the money for the drugs.
NEXT DAY AIR stumbles a bit before it gets to its climax in the third act. The story slows down, with too many side trips. Also, it’s hard to sympathize with any of these losers, even a little bit. That said, some lessons seem to be learned during the movie’s ending. For example, Leo makes a promise to God never to smoke pot again, and he is rewarded. Whether Leo carries out his promise may be doubtful, but his character arc ends on that positive note. The movie also makes a serious point about how untrustworthy people have become in modern urban America.
NEXT DAY AIR contains constant foul language, however, and some very strong violence. There is also a scene of nudity when Brody and Guch hire two prostitutes for the evening while they wait for Brody’s cousin to deliver the drug money the next morning.