

What You Need To Know:

SCARY MOVIE V is a ridiculous spoof of recent horror movies that mixes a few clever jokes about the genre with plenty of dirty and distasteful ones. The thin plot strings together ideas from several recent horror movies, mainly the recent MAMA horror movie and the PARANORMAL ACTIVITY series. It follows a couple suddenly caring for three young girls after the husband’s brother (Charlie Sheen) is killed in the bawdy opening sequence. The girls are strange and keep saying “Mama” is coming. However, until the monstrous “Mama” shows up, the movie has fun with countless gags centered on hidden surveillance cameras, like those in PARANORMAL ACTIVITY movies. Eventually, a showdown occurs with the demonic “Mama” character.

Countless other movies also take a ridiculous beating from SCARY MOVIE V. For instance, the movie contains spoofs of the ballet scenes in BLACK SWAN and of scenes from the demon movie THE EVIL DEAD. However, at best this is mindless viewing. It’s filled with lewd content, edgy violence, and gross jokes about body functions. SCARY MOVIE V is a gross, raunchy, tasteless comedy for mindless moviegoers with pagan sensibilities.


(PaPaPa, OO, ABAB, HoHo, LLL, VVV, SSS, N, AA, DD, MM) Very strong pagan worldview with comical occult content about demons haunting people, including frequent jokes about the occult, including a Latina cleaning lady who wants to pray and put crosses all over the house but keeps looking like a fool, and other characters read an occult book that unleashes demons and spirits, plus Bible-studying Christians become demonically possessed and start mutilating themselves and two comical lesbian sex scenes; 34 obscenities and four profanities, plus comical scenes with gorilla feces, human feces, urine, and vomiting and it’s implied that a young girl shoves a popsicle stick up her buttocks after misunderstanding her father telling her “use the other end”; brief extreme and lots of strong comic violence includes demonically possessed Christians start mutilating themselves off screen with lots of blood shown, aunt and uncle exchange punches with little girls, two men shoot handguns at a feral child that’s attempting to harm them and then turn the guns on each other duel-style but never actually shoot each other, dozens of smacks to the head, pratfalls and other physical comedy focused on assaults by ghosts on the people involved, woman irresponsibly holds baby and baby’s head accidentally smacks against a doorway, baby’s hair accidentally set on fire, apes attack humans, car explodes, and pregnant ballerina’s water breaks and splashes down on her male dance partner while he holds her in the air before the baby flies out of her womb and bounces all over the place; extreme, often gross, amount of sexual innuendos and content, including visual joke where it looks like young girl has drawn a penis but then she explains it’s a rocket, young girl finds sex toys, innuendoes about bestiality and pedophilia and incest and oral sex, three big sequences where characters do clothed yet rather sexually graphic, comically intended actions in bed, such as an orgy that’s played for laughs as seemingly dozens of people (including clowns) and a pony climb into and out of the covers and writhe around while silly music plays, two dogs shown copulating, two girls in bikinis lather each other in a shower, another implied lesbian sex scene, spoof of smutty erotica book “Fifty Shades of Gray” features man trying to push and order a woman around in ridiculous sexual devices before she runs away; rear and upper male nudity and some female cleavage; alcohol use includes a wild party scene in which house vacuums come to life and start partying, including getting drunk and suctioning up cocaine lines; smoking, jokes about snorting cocaine, two women in a nightclub take Ecstasy, and an early scene features pot-advocate/rapper Snoop Dogg joking about pot with a young man, though neither actually smoke; and, arguing, lying, destruction of property, insulting comments.

More Detail:

SCARY MOVIE V is a ridiculous spoof of recent horror movies that mixes a few clever jokes about the genre with plenty of dirty and distasteful ones.

The thin plot strings together ideas from several recent horror movies, mainly the recent MAMA horror movie and the PARANORMAL ACTIVITY series. It follows a couple suddenly caring for three young girls after the husband’s brother (Charlie Sheen) is killed in the bawdy opening sequence. The girls are strange and keep saying “Mama” is coming. However, until the monstrous “Mama” shows up, the movie has fun with countless gags centered on hidden surveillance cameras, like those used in the PARANORMAL ACTIVITY movies. Ultimately, a showdown occurs between the main couple and the demonic “Mama” character.

Countless other movies also take a ridiculous beating from SCARY MOVIE V. For instance, the movie also contains spoofs of the ballet scenes in BLACK SWAN and of scenes from the demon movie THE EVIL DEAD. However, at best V is mindless viewing that’s filled with much lewd content, edgy violence, and gross jokes about body functions. There’s also an excessive amount of obscenities. SCARY MOVIE V is a gross, raunchy, tasteless comedy for mindless moviegoers with pagan sensibilities.

Quality: - Content: +3
Quality: - Content: +1