

"Fomenting a Race War?"


What You Need To Know:

THE PURGE: ANARCHY is a sequel to a movie about a crime-ridden America, where a new government decides to establish one evening of the year where citizens can murder, rape and steal without going to jail. Although people of other races participate in Purge night, all the leading villains are white government leaders and rich white people who murder mostly poor people for kicks and profit. The movie shows five protagonists in Los Angeles, including two black women, trying to survive the Purge night. At one point, a black revolutionary opposing the Purge and spouting anti-capitalist rhetoric rescues the survivors. He and his compatriots then proceed to kill the rich white folks who kidnapped the protagonists.

Despite some redemptive elements and compelling storytelling, THE PURGE: ANARCHY has a strong Romantic, Anti-American, anti-capitalist worldview. There’s also extreme violence and abundant foul language, plus mockery of religious and patriotic platitudes. THE PURGE: ANARCHY is more annoying than entertaining. Its apparent leftist worldview is abhorrent and seems to call for political violence. One scene seems to foment a left-wing race war against rich white people.


(RoRoRo, APAPAP, ACapACapACap, ABAB, FRFR, C, BB, LLL, VVV, S, A, DD, MM) Very strong Romantic, Anti-American, anti-capitalist, leftist, rather racist worldview where the villains all seem to be white government leaders and rich white people who murder mostly poor people for kicks and profit, with a mockery of American values and patriotism, including public (and perhaps even conservative) appeals to God and country and evil people refer to God, which seems to create a false religion attacking belief in God (in a backhanded sort of way), plus some Christian, moral, redemptive values and implied references such as forgiveness overcomes revenge at the end and protecting the weak and sacrifice are extolled; about 91 obscenities, four strong profanities, and 10 light profanities; very strong violence with blood and some blood spurts includes many shooting murders (including many point blank), man guns down people while firing heavy duty machine gun, people shot in chest multiple times and usually die, fighting, couple people strangled, man on fire from flame thrower; no depicted sex scenes, but wife attacks husband for apparently cheating on her with her sister, and one man licks woman’s face and threatens raping her and her daughter at gunpoint, but he’s shot dead before anything else happens; no nudity; alcohol use; no smoking, but woman takes pills with alcohol; and, strong miscellaneous immorality (much of it rebuked) includes revenge but rebuked, government corruption, murder for hire, kidnapping, home invasion, a theme throughout the movie that violence can “purge” one’s soul and psychological character, government authorizes murder and mayhem, deceit, people held captive, and some people do bad things to survive.

More Detail:

THE PURGE: ANARCHY is a sequel to a movie last year about a crime-ridden America, where a new government decides to establish one evening of the year where citizens can murder, rape and steal without going to jail. In the wake of instituting this “Purge,” unemployment and crime have gone down and federal deficits have disappeared.

This atrocious sequel makes it perfectly clear that the real plan of the Purge is to get rid of all the poor people and weak social misfits who increase unemployment, crime and the federal budget. Not only that, but the new government’s leaders, who all seem to be white, are now having armed soldiers and agents go into the major cities and target apartment buildings in poor urban areas to eliminate the poor and lower class people in them. Meanwhile, other rich white people are having people kidnapped to hunt them down and murder them, just for kicks.

The movie shows five protagonists in Los Angeles, including two black women, trying to survive the Purge night. At one point, the survivors are rescued by a black revolutionary opposing the Purge and carrying a machine gun, who then proceeds, with his compatriots, to go after the rich white folks who organized the hunt. This scene may remind some older people of the militant black communist revolutionaries of the 1960s who preached starting a race war against “imperialist” white America.

The filmmakers of this atrocity try to make everything seem all right by including some positive moral, redemptive values in their movie. For example, there’s a white man in the story who’s out for revenge against the white drunk driver who killed his son but was let go on a technicality. Against his prudent judgment, he rescues a poor black single mother and her teenage daughter whose apartment building was targeted by the government soldiers. The two black women realize that the man is out for some kind of revenge on Purge night. During the movie, the daughter keeps trying to argue her savior out of his desire for revenge. She rightly tells him that revenge will never satisfy him, even if he kills his intended target. This subplot leads to a climactic scene where the man must decide in favor of revenge or forgiveness. Without giving away the ending, the movie clearly shows that the young woman was right about forgiveness.

That said, the movie’s positive moral, redemptive content doesn’t negate the movie’s abhorrent leftist themes. THE PURGE: ANARCHY has a very strong Romantic, Anti-American, anti-capitalist worldview. Although people of other races participate in Purge night, all the leading villains are white government leaders and rich white people who murder mostly poor people for kicks and profit. In addition, the government leaders and rich white people make sanctimonious appeals to God and country several times in the movie. Consequently, the movie seems to strongly mock such American values. All this fits in with the anti-capitalist rants by other characters, including the black revolutionary who comes to rescue the five protagonists. It also fits into the movie’s sympathetic portrayal of the two poor women who get rescued twice.

Of course, in the Bible, God and his prophets command us to have compassion for the poor and needy, and to take care of them privately. Also, God and his prophets established such policies like letting the poor and needy, including strangers, harvest the corners of one’s fields or glean the leftovers from the farmer’s harvest. However, the Bible also tells us not to show “favoritism to the poor or favoritism to the great” (Leviticus 19:15). Thus, all people should be equal under the law and its provisions. In addition, the Bible tells us not to steal someone’s private property. Also, hard work is seen as a virtue and laziness as a vice (“Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth,” Proverbs 10:4). The Bible also tells us “not to be dependent on anybody” (1 Thessalonians 4:9-12). Finally, Paul writes in 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15, “If a man will not work, he shall not eat.”

Instead of all this great biblical advice, the Romantic worldview in THE PURGE: ANARCHY seems to contend that poor people in America can’t get ahead or get economic relief because the capitalist system is stacked almost totally against them. Thus, cruel rich white people, including government leaders, are oppressing the poor and exploiting the weak as well as murdering them. In making this point, the movie also promotes black on white violence as well as violence against the rich. Recently in Jersey City on the East Coast, an uproar was caused when members of a black neighborhood put up a memorial for a man who murdered a policeman. Some people made comments favoring the murder of more police officers. One must wonder, therefore, if the violence and Anti-American, anti-capitalist content in the new PURGE movie won’t foment such angry calls for political violence? As Paul Johnson says in his book THE INTELLECTUALS, political violence is evil. Nothing good comes from it.