Colton Dixon Shares Joy of Fatherhood: ‘There’s Nothing I Wouldn’t Do for Them’
By Movieguide® Staff
Former AMERICAN IDOL contestant and popular Christian artist Colton Dixon shared his newfound joy in fatherhood with his twin girls.
Dixon, 29, shares twin daughters Ava Dior and Athens Elizabeth with his wife, Annie.
“I never really understood what parents meant, when they’re like, ‘Man, I didn’t realize I could love someone so much,'” Dixon told PEOPLE. “But then you have kids and you go, ‘Oh my gosh. I would literally do anything. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for them.’ ”
Dixon, who celebrated his first Father’s Day last weekend, added: “It’s just a whole new layer of what love looks like and it’s been amazing. Just trying to be the best dad I can be, even at this stage, but it’s been so fun.”
Although the news of twins shocked the “Miracles” and “Made to Fly” artist at first, Dixon embraced the surprise and said he “wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“I love being a girl dad, first and foremost. It’s so fun,” Dixon said.
Despite parenting twin daughters, Dixon noted that Ava and Athens are already showing their unique personalities.
“They’re already blooming into their own person. It’s so cool to see,” Dixon said. “The older they get, the more personality you see, which is so fun.”
Dixon said that his daughters also show signs that they will love music and singing just as much as their father.
“Every once in a while, little Dior, if music is on, she has this really soft, sweet voice,” Dixon said. “She’ll get real quiet and then she’ll start … we think it’s singing. It’s the cutest thing.”
Dixon credits his wife for encouraging him to turn to God in his lowest points as an artist.
Movieguide® previously reported:
Dixon opened up about how he and his wife relied on their faith in Jesus Christ, prayer, and God’s Word on “Living in the Light with Dr. Kristi Lemley.”
“I was dropped by my label, which is the blunt way to put it, and as a musician, it kind of feels like you lose your job,” Dixon confessed. “When your identity is wrapped up in career, and in the security of a record label, it comes as a very big blow. It’s funny when you put out a record called ‘Identity,’ and then you have to actually practice what you preach later, it’s like, ‘Oh, I was doing what I said you shouldn’t do.’
“It was a tough season,” Dixon continued. “I’m just being transparent with you. It was hard. There’s a lot of figuring out what the future was going to look like, what it was not going to look like all the questions from, ‘God, is this still what you want me to do?’ It’s still what I want to do, but I’m trying really hard to just lay that down and say ‘your will be done here.'”
Dixon said that he relied on his faith and the support of his wife during the challenging time.
“I’m thankful for my wife. She said something that was just really going to change the game for both her and I. She said, ‘Man, what if we’re looking at this all wrong, what if this isn’t a setback? But what if this is God just setting you up for the next chapter?’ and I was like that would make a really good message,” Dixon recalled.
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