Dear Christian: It’s Not the End of the World
This morning, the Supreme Court officially decided that all 50 states, including those that ban same sex marriage must issue marriage licenses to same sex couples that desire them. The decision is being described as a turning point for America, or for some, another reason to sit back, vote for the candidates with the “R” next to their name and wait for Jesus to return. Liberals have taken to the street in celebration, quite literally, and conservatives are looking for one-way tickets to anywhere but here.
The truth of the matter is this: if you’re a Christian, your mission today and tomorrow is no different then it was yesterday. Same sex marriage in this country doesn’t effect what Christ did on the cross, but it will affect the way in which we carry the cross.
America is no longer a Christian nation, and one can argue that it’s been a while since it has been one. America isn’t a godless country either. No matter what the media says, or which direction our leaders take this country, there is a resurgent population of men and women who are on fire for Jesus, and who desperately want to make that love known to others. What this nation is “is broken,” and it’s full of broken people, looking for love in all the wrong places.
The hashtag “Love Wins” is currently the number one trend on Twitter. While it may come down to semantics, the truth is, Love already won and the Supreme Court had nothing to do with it. Love won when Jesus took our sins upon himself, died and rose from the dead three days later. Love doesn’t receive permission through governmental contracts, and it certainly isn’t defined by man, love is a spiritual gift (Gal 5:22). That said, what are we to do now? How should Christians respond in a way that reflects both the righteousness and love of Christ.
Jesus was pretty clear about what we should do. In Matthew 28, he charged the disciples to make more disciples, in all nations, and to teach those disciples to observe all that He commanded. The greatest of His commands, to love God and to love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22).
It’s amazing how easy it is to forget this simple mission. The answer first begins with our personal walk with God, putting our heart, soul and mind under His authority and finding our identity, not in what we do or believe, but in Christ. Secondly, because we have been so transformed by Christ, that love cannot stay silent. It must result in real relationships with other broken people who desperately need Jesus. While political jargon is chattered and debates rage, this is, and always has been a battle for the heart. Many on the front lines of the culture war have fought against such decision made by the Supreme Court, and while they fight, their families, safe at home are being told something entirely different on their TV’s. The next generation is being fed a lie, a dangerous lie that says your identity is in your class, your sexuality, your gender, or your race. This sermon is being preached through TV, movies and music every day. The challenge we face is that as long as our identity is in anything but Jesus Christ, this lie will rot the heart, soul and mind of this country. Our value is not found in whom we are sexually attracted. Our value isn’t even found in how good we are, because anyone who truly knows themselves knows how easily they fall short of the ultimate standard: Jesus Christ. Our value is that God loves us, unconditionally, even though we’ve done nothing to earn that love. In that love, God brings us closer to Himself, conforming us to His image, healing our broken hearts and delivering us from being slaves to the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life. Imagine if that message was on every iPad, in every theater, on every TV.
As Christians, our response to recent events will be the deciding factor for those who need Jesus in their lives. Will they see the irresistible, supernatural love that transcends anything this world has to offer?