
Demi-Leigh Tebow Shares Traumatic Attempted Kidnapping Story to Raise Awareness of Human Trafficking

Demi-Leigh Tebow Shares Traumatic Attempted Kidnapping Story to Raise Awareness of Human Trafficking

By Movieguide® Staff

Demi-Leigh Tebow recently shared her personal experience with an attempted abduction by five armed men to raise awareness of human trafficking.  

Demi-Leigh, who is married to former NFL player Tim Tebow, is passionate about offering other victims the help they need to escape traffickers because when she most needed it, many people ignored her.

Demi-Leigh, 26, recalled the traumatic event through tears in a video on Facebook

“I didn’t know how that could end up in that moment, but I knew that I had to get away,” she said, remembering when five armed men surrounded her car four years ago. “I didn’t know exactly what they wanted from me, but I knew it wasn’t good. I put up my hands. I surrendered, I gave them everything they needed, but the moment I tried running away, the guy on my side of the car grabbed me and he pulled me and he pushed me back into the car, yelling at me, ‘Get in, you’re going with us.’

“At that moment, I said, ‘No I’m not. I’m not going with you. I don’t care if you shoot me, if you give me… but I’m not going with you.’ And I did the best I could. I punched that guy as hard as I possibly could in his throat, and it gave me a split second to run away and I did,” she added. 

However, Demi-Leigh said that even after her initial escape, she struggled to find help even though it was broad daylight.  

“As I ran up that avenue, I knocked on about 30, 40 car windows,” Demi-Leigh said. “And do you know how many cars stopped for me? Not one. Not one person stopped to help. And I don’t know what was more terrifying…being attacked by these five armed men, or not getting any help.”

Help eventually came in the form of a 19-year-old girl who drove Demi-Leigh to safety. 

“She let me into her car. And she took me to safety,” Demi-Leigh said, adding: “I don’t know if those men would have followed me, grabbed me, who knows. But I try not to think about that.”

“Don’t be that person that shoves someone away, that rolls up your car window when someone is begging you for help,” Demi-Leigh continued. “Be that person that leans over and opens up your car door and lets that person in and lead them to safety.”

Demi-Leigh launched a fundraiser on her birthday on June 28 to help human trafficking survivors.  

CBN reported

For her birthday this year, Demi-Leigh launched a fundraiser aiming to restore the lives of survivors of human trafficking. Within the first two days of starting the campaign, they exceeded their goal of $26,000. Funds raised will go to Her Song, one of the anti-human trafficking outreaches of the Tim Tebow Foundation (TTF), and provide much-need shelter, physical and spiritual care for victims.

Raising awareness about human trafficking is a passion project for both Tebows.

Movieguide® previously reported on the Tim Tebow Foundation: 

Tim Tebow penned an emotional op-ed for Fox News about his personal connection to human trafficking—and why he’s so determined to fight it.

The former NFL quarterback detailed how his father “purchased four young girls” while on a trip overseas. But instead of purchasing the girls for his own gain as thousands of others do every day, he did it to free them from a life of trafficking.

At the time, Tebow said he was “completely unaware such a transaction was even possible.”

“People buy groceries. Shoes. Annual passes to Disney World. They don’t buy other people,” he wrote. “But I had heard him correctly. My dad had opened up his wallet and bought as many girls as he could with the cash he had on hand.”

When his father returned home, Tebow said there wasn’t a safe home to take the girls to, so they built one.

“Honestly, we weren’t prepared. We never saw that moment coming. But over the years, that single moment in time – a moment where one man took a stand for what was right – was the beginning of a ripple effect still in motion today,” he explained.


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