Former Olympian Carly Patterson: ‘Pray Like it Depends on God’
By Movieguide® Contributor
Sadie Robertson Huff and former Olympic gymnast Carly Patterson recently discussed working within God’s plan.
When asked about a favorite piece of advice she’d been given, Patterson replied, “Pray like it depends on God. Work like it depends on me.”
“It’s a two-way street with God,” she explained. “We can have all these plans, but if it’s not God’s will…we have to hand these things over to God. And God’s not a genie! We’re going to have to do things on our part as well!”
Patterson continued, “It depends on me once God opens those doors. Praying about it, leaving it in his hands — it’s great.”
She also shared how she leaned on her faith during gymnastics competitions.
“In those competition moments, I was constantly praying to God. There was just this open dialogue,” Patterson said. “There were certain competitions that were maybe on TV, or even at the Olympics, and if you look closely, I’m about to go up on the floor. My mouth is moving and people, are probably like, ‘What is she saying? Crazy girl,’ and I’m just talking to God. I’m just praying.”
Patterson has previously spoken about her faith, telling Patheos, “I grew up in church from a young age. I always knew who God was.”
“Faith definitely shaped me and my gymnastics career,” she continued. “I prayed before I competed on every event at every competition. I always thanked God afterward. With gymnastics being such a difficult sport, my faith really helped me during my injuries and losses. I realized there was a reason for everything. It helped make me stronger and work harder through the difficult times. My faith made me humble, especially during my successes.”
Today, Patterson works as a motivational speaker, inspiring “thousands of people by sharing her story of dedication and hard work,” according to her website.
“I’m grateful for this job that I get to do that challenges me and pushes me out of my comfort zone!” she wrote in an Instagram post. “Every moment [feels] like a surge of energy and inspiration!”