
God Rescued Rocker from His ‘Darkest Point’ — Now He Sings About Salvation

God Rescued Rocker from His ‘Darkest Point’ — Now He Sings About Salvation

By Movieguide® Contributor

Singer and songwriter Taylor Holland Armstrong knows what it’s like to have God meet you in the darkest of places.

Armstrong used to be a part of a rock band called The Confession from 2005-2008. He shared on his Instagram how God saved him from a life of drugs and darkness.

“I joined a heavy metal band and fell quickly into drug addiction…I was self-medicating trying to numb my anxiety and chasing the ways of the world,” he explained in a video. “I hurt the people I loved most. I stole, lied, hated myself and ended up in jail. I completely lost myself to drugs.”

Armstrong explained that although he wasn’t living for Jesus at the time, he knew He still loved him.

“I always knew Jesus loved me, but I was turning away from Him, the only one who could truly save me,” he described. “It took me relapse after relapse to learn drugs were never the answer to my problems. Jesus was always the answer. He is the only one who offers freedom, who has the power to heal, redeem and change us from the inside. God never left my side. Even when I felt I was at my darkest point.”

God went above and beyond to help Armstrong put his life on the right path.

“He led me right into the arms of my wife, who prayed and stood by my side while I looked to God to help me pick up the pieces. He transformed my life. He redeemed every ugly broken part of me. He never abandoned me and helped me through it. After years of battling, I finally had my head on straight, and we were blessed with a family. He did it again and again and again. The blessings overwhelmed me. I don’t deserve God’s grace. None of us do. But He pours it out and lavishes us in His love and mercy. Only God could’ve written this story. Only God could redeem a man like me.”

Today Armstrong works in full-time ministry making music in Tennessee. He ended his video reel with an encouragement to his followers: “So whatever you’re going through GOD is with you in it. He will get you through it. Never walk away from your faith… no matter what you’re facing. He is worth it.”

Armstrong started releasing music again earlier this year after God “prompt[ed] him to pick up singing again.”

“Taylor teamed up with Christian producer Sam Hart in 2024 to create songs like ‘Paradise,’ ‘Love More Wild,’ and ‘While I Wait,'” Sam Hart Music reported.

“My wife and I wrote this song in the midst of a tough season,” Armstrong said of “While I Wait,” “when so much of our life seemed scary and new and daunting. We were in this season of constant prayer and waiting for God to move and show us the way. The waiting seemed to last forever, like a cold dark night, and there were days where we just missed the sunny days before all the things we and our family and friends were dealing with came to pass. But God is good, always, and He sustained us.”

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