
Just How Powerful Is God’s Love? Actor Deep Dives This Verse to Explain

Just How Powerful Is God’s Love? Actor Deep Dives This Verse to Explain

By Movieguide® Contributor

Comedian and actor Russell Brand wants to tell as many people as he can about his Savior, Jesus.

In a new video shared on his Instagram, Brand read one of the most famous verses in the entire Bible: John 3:16.

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life,” he read.

Brand then unpacked the verse, what it means to him and how people can respond.

“I was told that, in a sense, this verse contains within it the contract between us and God,” Brand said, “the transition that takes place between the Testaments and through the birth, death and resurrection of Christ.”

“Think of the love you have for your children. Think about the pain, anguish and glory in the love that you have felt romantically for people. Think about the love of country, the love of freedom, the love of principles. God’s love will surely be the most powerful of all loves,” he explained.

“Why would it not contain within it an aspect that is awesome and beyond what we can control?” he continued. “What I’m becoming increasingly certain of is that solutions are unavailable to us through materialism, rationalism, politics and bureaucracy, and we are indeed going to have to return to Christ. What we are being offered through Christianity is the solution that’s being evaded.”

“And that’s precisely why we’re being told that Christianity represents some kind of patriarchial tyranny when what’s plainly stitched throughout these texts is absolute abundant and inclusive love,” Brand added. “That love doesn’t come without obligation and duty, that love does not come without awe, but when you consider that we might be on the precipice, it might be time for us to consider this relationship anew. A love that is absolute, inclusive, all-powerful, and all-abiding.”

Brand has become more outspoke of his faith and encouraged people to lean on God amid the recent hurricanes.


He’s sharing what he learns about God with his social media followers.

“I love the simplicity of the idea of God coming to Earth as a man to experience what it is to be human and to sacrifice himself because that is the only sacrifice that could bring us home, that could give us the opportunity for redemption,” Brand said in May.

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