
How Sadie Robertson Huff Overcomes Mom Guilt

How Sadie Robertson Huff Overcomes Mom Guilt

By Movieguide® Contributor

Sadie Robertson Huff knows the reality of “mom guilt.” In a discussion on the “WHOA That’s Good Podcast,” the DUCK DYNASTY star spoke with other moms about the realities of motherhood.

“I think that mom guilt goes in like so many different directions,” Huff began. “Like you can feel guilty for saying a word you shouldn’t have said, you can feel guilty for doing an action you shouldn’t have done, you can feel guilty for not even doing something wrong but like needing to go to work and your kids are home, or feeling like, ‘What if I, you know, I fed them formula, I didn’t breastfeed,’ or I did this too long.”

The Cleveland Clinic defines mom guilt as “a name given to the feelings of guilt and shame some people feel when they don’t live up to their own or others’ expectations in their role as a parent. It’s like an internal dialogue that tells you you’re failing as a caregiver.”

Huff asked her friends where they think mom guilt comes from, and Freddie Amos chimed in, wondering if it’s “induced by social media.”

“I totally think so because there’s so many things I see, and the first one that kind of came to my mind was like, this mom that said she was checking her emails during bath time, and her child looked at her 10 times during bath time wanting to make an emotional connection, and she wasn’t looking back. And how she was emotionally neglecting her child, and I was like, ‘Oh my gosh have I emotionally neglected my child?’”

She continued, “I think a lot of the times social media makes me think I’m a worse mom than I actually am because if I’m just comparing to myself and my standard, then I’m not as harsh on myself.”

Amos has a good point. Social media has definitely affected how we think as we compare our lives and parenting to others. People are realizing these issues and taking action.

Other people chimed in about being addicted and suffering from health issues or lack of sleep. Users realized they weren’t using social media as they originally intended—for connecting with friends and family.

One person said social media, “became an outlet for doomscrolling and rage commenting and, more often than not, was a massive time suck that left me feeling depressed at how much time I wasted. With all the bad things going on in the world around me, social media became yet another conduit for a poor mental health outlook.”


Huff added, “Dr. Amen, on this podcast, like switched everything for me whenever he said, ‘Guilty moms will raise confused kids.’ He was like, ‘Be a confident mom.’ He’s like, ‘Be confident in your decisions…if you’re going to work, work and be confident in what you’re doing and how you’re doing.”

Mom guilt is inevitable, especially when moms want to do their very best for their children. No one is perfect, and we can take solace in the fact that doing our best with God’s help is enough.

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