
Is FROZEN II Too Scary for Children? Actress Kristen Bell Answers

Is FROZEN II Too Scary for Children? Actress Kristen Bell Answers

By Tess Farrand, Associate Content Editor 

With some mystical elements, brief animated violence and a light harrowing journey, some parents may question if FROZEN II is safe for young children to watch.

The sequel to the wildly popular FROZEN follows in a similar vein of the original, meaning characters face stressful challenges as they learn to navigate the world around them.

Families loved FROZEN when it debuted in 2013 because it highlighted the importance of family, overcoming obstacles and learning that true love isn’t necessarily found in a romantic relationship.

In FROZEN II, Elsa must venture into the unknown.  She’s a tad frightened, worried about what will happen if she embarks on the adventure. There’s literally a song about it. Yet for children, the plot may be a little scary.

According to the Movieguide®’s review of FROZEN II:

Animated violence includes characters engage in battle, giant boulders fly through the air and break a stone bridge, roaring seas threaten the safety of many characters, and a frozen statue shows that a corrupt king killed an innocent man

Read the complete review of FROZEN II here.

Actress Kristen Bell, who voices Anna, gets it why parents may be concerned about showing the movie to their children.

“I know exactly the feeling that you’re talking about,” said Bell, who has two young daughters of her own.

Bell fully acknowledges that the movie has some scary scenes, but they are presented in a way that children can “digest.”

Bell thinks the story allows the children to process fear in an appropriate way because they can see character conquering obstacles. Bell believes that this mirrors reality.

“In [FROZEN II] …that’s the power of [this] story. You don’t have to tell them that the world is a scary place even though it really is, but you can let them see a story that has a resolution,” Bell said.

Movieguide® believes that exercising discernment with scary elements on screen is the best practice for any family.

FROZEN II co-director and writer Jennifer Lee said light violence – or scary elements – in children’s stories is not a new phenomenon.

“Sometimes we forget, we go back to old traditional fairy tales, they always have a moment that

gets a little scary… that’s part of what fairy tales are for,” Lee said.

Lee leant her pen other family-friendly movies, including WRECK IT RALPH and ZOOTOPIA.

Analyzing fear from a space place, like a theater chair, helps children develop a healthy way to handle their anxieties.

“Then it helps you cope with life,” Lee said.

To determine if FROZEN II is a good pick for your family, please read the complete review here.

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Quality: - Content: +1