Jenny Marrs Relied on Jesus to Overcome Fear
By Movieguide® Contributor
Jenny Marrs looked to Jesus as she faced her fear of flying for FIXER TO FABULOUS: ITALIANO.
“2023 will always be remembered in our family as ‘The Italian Year,'” Marrs wrote on social media. “We flew back and forth more times than ever before and, yes, my fear of flying is still a thing. Sometimes, it would rear its ugly head in full force and, sometimes, it’s…a dull ache just below the surface that I managed to keep at bay. But, in the past year, I learned something …”
“I learned that when I’m flying through the air, trapped in a metal tube, with zero control over my circumstances, I depend wholly and completely on Jesus,” she continued. “I cling to Him in those moments. I cry out to him in desperation and He meets me with peace and assurance and reminders of His past faithfulness. In my everyday life, I don’t often enough ache for Him. I run from commitment to commitment. I meet pressing deadlines. I answer the constant onslaught of communication via text and email. I worry over details. I forget to rest.”
Marrs wasn’t quite sure why God gave her the desire to film in Italy since she has such an intense fear of flying, but she trusted his plan in the midst of it.
“Maybe this is why He set within me a deep yearning for adventure. Maybe this is why He keeps leading me back to this faraway land, only accessible by an airplane,” she explained. “For it’s in that plane – the place where I’m most uncomfortable and afraid, where I feel most frail and incapable – that I am most acutely aware of His presence. And, in the way that only God can do, He uses all things for our good and His glory. He redeems my moments of fear and meager offerings of faith to remind me that He is near. That He is faithful. That I can trust in Him.”
“Where He leads, I will always follow. Even if my knees are shaky and my heart is pounding. I will follow. And, in the following, blessings abound. This year was certainly full of them. Looking back, I’m full of deep, deep gratitude for each and every one,” Marrs concluded.
FIXER TO FABULOUS: ITALIANO premiered on March 12.
“Our friends, Rebecca and Pierre, invested their life’s savings into the renovation of their Chianti farmhouse, Campo Sasso. They trusted us with this work and we are thrilled to share it with the world!” Jenny and her husband Dave wrote.
“Restoring an ancient villa in Tuscany has been one of the most incredible and most stressful projects Dave and I have ever taken on,” Jenny added. “And, now that we are crossing the finish line. I can look back and see how every single step has been covered in blessing upon blessing.”
The couple would be open to doing more international renovations.
“People always ask… ‘Would you do it again?’ Absolutely, I would,” Dave said. “I’d go to another country and do it. I would do it again in Italy. There was bad, but there was so much more good.”
Movieguide® previously reported:
Despite the challenges the Marrs’ faced, Dave said they would do projects like this again.
“We love to focus on new projects and things outside of our comfort zone and do something different,” he said. “Europe for HGTV is an untapped market. I think to see us over there in Italy, Great Britain or anywhere doing a project, I would love to. It’s all ratings-based, so if a lot of people watch this, and it does well, we’ll see.”
He continued, “I think people will have a great experience watching the show and learning about an amazing culture. A lot of things I think America can learn from. Just some beautiful architecture, landscapes, and wonderful people. It was a good experience.”