
Jessica Simpson Approaches Three Years Sober, Calls It a ‘Big Blessing’

Jessica Simpson Approaches Three Years Sober, Calls It A ‘Big Blessing’

By Cooper Dowd, Staff Writer

Earlier this year, Jessica Simpson released her first memoir titled Open Book, in which she candidly shared about her struggle with alcohol addiction. She called being sober for almost three years now a “big blessing,” according to Fox News.

As the 40-year-old singer, fashion designer, and actress approaches the three-year mark, she recalls the moment she decided to stop drinking. Simpson said she wanted to be there for her three children and saw how alcohol was hindering her from being the mother they needed.  

“I was at that point in my life where my kids were growing older and they were watching every move that I made and I just really wanted clarity, I wanted to understand myself,” Simpson said.  

Simpson remembered a defining moment in 2017 when she drank early in the morning on Halloween and missed being with her kids the entire day.  

“I was terrified of letting them see me in that shape,” Simpson confessed to People magazine. “I am ashamed to say that I don’t know who got them into their costumes that night.”

Although she thought that 37 was too young to write a life memoir, Simpson began writing about her journey to sobriety weeks after the incident on Halloween night.  

The memoir also addressed Simpson’s experience with sexual abuse and how it caused her to turn to alcohol and drugs. She further explained her mindset as a young, famous woman and how, now as a mother of three, she realizes she was harming herself by coping with alcohol.

“I thought it was making me brave, I thought it was making me confident, and it was actually the complete opposite; it was silencing me,” Simpson said.

Talking with her therapist not only helped Simpson recognize her drinking problem but also played an influential role in helping her get clean for her children. Simpson feels thankful she addressed the issue sooner rather than later. 

“My therapist was like, ‘Wow, I can’t believe somebody can cover that much trauma and fear and awareness,'” Simpson said. “It takes people their whole life to discover those things.”

Simpson said that some friends worried that quarantine would affect her and that Simpson would be at a higher risk for relapse. However, Simpson remains confident in her sobriety as she nears her three-year anniversary, a milestone she calls a blessing.  

“People are like, ‘Don’t you want to drink during this pandemic? Aren’t your kids driving you crazy?'” said Simpson. “I’m like, ‘No, I do not want to drink.’ I have not wanted it. I feel like that’s a big blessing.”


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