
Kendrick Brothers Announce Upcoming Movie THE FORGE

Kendrick Brothers Announce Upcoming Movie THE FORGE

By Movieguide® Contributor

Alex and Stephen Kendrick, the duo behind movies like WAR ROOM, COURAGEOUS and OVERCOMER, just announced their latest project, THE FORGE.

THE FORGE, produced by Affirm Films and Provident Films, “includes familiar faces such as Priscilla Shirer (WAR ROOM, I CAN ONLY IMAGINE), Cameron Arnett (OVERCOMER, STAND YOUR GROUND), Karen Abercrombie (WAR ROOM, GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 3) and newcomer Aspen Kennedy,” a press release announced.

It is slated for an Aug. 23, 2024, in-theater premiere.

“We’ve just finished shooting. We’re still in post on it, but we’ve got the first teaser about to come out,” the brothers announced on YouTube. “We’ve been working on this for over a year. We were praying about it this time last year and wrote the script, shot it this past summer, and we’re excited about you getting to see THE FORGE.”

“We were already inspired with a powerful storyline, but the entire movie vaulted up when we realized it beautifully fit alongside our favorite WAR ROOM characters,” said Stephen in the press release. 

Alex continued, “We’ve thought outside the box and did some things we’ve never done before with THE FORGE and can’t wait to see how audiences react to it and these themes of mentorship and second chances.”

Christian Headlines added, “Their brother, Shannon, is the director of operations for the Kendrick Brothers company. THE FORGE will include characters from WAR ROOM, which climbed to No. 1 at the box office in 2015.”

The Kendricks hope the movie will ignite a true desire in people to become disciples of Jesus.

“In our culture, so many people say they believe in God, but their walk with God is very lukewarm and half-hearted,” Stephen said. “Discipleship means it’s time to get on fire and all in, and this movie will push you, encourage you, inspire you to be all in for Christ.”

“It’s a forging process to be a disciple,” Alex added. 

“Jesus says, ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny himself, take up his cross and follow Me.’ So in other words, this is a different level of following Jesus — not just belief that He is the Son of God … but also following Him with your life,” he continued. “You can’t be Jesus’ disciple in a lukewarm status.” 

WAR ROOM earned a +4 content score from Movieguide®. Part of Movieguide®’s review reads:

WAR ROOM is a very compelling Christian movie about spiritual warfare. Tony and Elizabeth Jordan have reached the end of their ability to tolerate one another as a married couple. Their daughter, Danielle, is depressed by their constant warfare. Elizabeth is a real estate salesman, and Tony is a highly successful pharmaceutical salesman. Tony is tempted by other women, however, and Elizabeth has grown to hate him. Everything changes when Elizabeth meets Miss Clara, an older woman full of wit and wisdom, who’s selling her home and has some important advice to share with her.

WAR ROOM is spiritually and emotionally powerful. Most viewers will cheer at the end. Although it has some minor problems, such as static dialogue and extra subplots, the movie’s jeopardy truly rivets viewers to the storyline. Also, the emotional power of a family struggling with the world, the flesh, the Devil, and God’s Grace helps the movie transcend its defects. Therefore, WAR ROOM is a must-see movie for Christians. MOVIEGUIDE® hopes it will inspire every Christian who sees it to form a deeper, more active and more real prayer life.

Quality: - Content: +1
Quality: - Content: +2