
Kevin Feige Confirms Fourth SPIDER-MAN Movie

Photo from IMDb

Kevin Feige Confirms Fourth SPIDER-MAN Movie

By Movieguide® Staff

Despite some speculation from fans on whether or not Tom Holland would reprise his role as Spider-Man after SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME, Marvel President Kevin Feige recently confirmed a fourth Holland Spider-Man movie.

In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, Feige said that Marvel is already working on the script for an upcoming SPIDER-MAN movie starring Holland.

“All I will say is that we have the story,” Feige said. “We have big ideas for that, and our writers are just putting pen to paper now.”

A portion of Movieguide®’s review of SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME reads:

SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME is a wild ride. As the movie opens, Peter and his friends, MJ and Ned, are suffering the consequences of Mysterio’s lies from the last SPIDER-MAN movie. Because of the controversy Mysterio created, none of them are accepted into any colleges, including their first choice, MIT. Always thinking about his friends, Peter asks Dr. Strange for a spell to make everyone forget Peter Parker is Spider-Man. However, the spell goes wrong and starts bringing supervillains from other universes into Peter’s world.

SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME is filled with fun surprises and twists, plus lots of action. There’s plenty of serious jeopardy leading to stirring, sad and tearful moments. The performances are perfectly melded with the story’s twists and turns, including some surprise appearances. NO WAY HOME has a strong moral, redemptive premise that everyone deserves a second chance, even supervillains. In the movie, Aunt May inspires Peter to do the right thing and give the supervillains a second chance to set things right. SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME has many light obscenities and profanities, intense action violence and occult content.

Movieguide® previously reported on SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME which reunited former Spider-Man actors Tobey Mcguire and Andrew Garfield in the first pandemic-era movie to gross over $1 billion at the box office:

For the first time since their record-breaking movie hit screens worldwide, actors Tom Holland, Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield talked about the creation of SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME.

The three actors expressed their gratitude for Marvel’s Amy Pascal and Kevin Feige and their passion to stay true to a character that represents so much for Marvel fans.

“I mean, I always knew that this film would be loved around the world,” Holland told Maguire, Garfield and Deadline’s Pete Hammond. “I didn’t think it would be quite as massive as it has been. One of my favorite things to do at the minute is to go online and watch fans’ reactions to you guys coming in that one scene in particular. I don’t think I could ever have imagined it as being so well received by everyone.”

Maguire and Garfield noted that aside from the scope of MCU movies, SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME manages to weave in a heartfelt and morally uplifting storyline about brotherhood.

“To me, when artists or people who are steering the creative process have a kind of authentic, genuine intent of celebration and love, it just was so apparent in both of them, that, I don’t know, I just wanted to join that,” Maguire said of the moment that Pascal and Feige approached him about the role.

“Well, I was just waiting to see if Tobey was going to do it, and if Tobey was going to do it, then I was like, ‘Well, I have no choice,’ you know? I follow Tobey to the ends of the Earth. I’m a lemming for Tobey,” Garfield joked. “But that was sincerely a big part of it when I was approached about it, and again, it’s similar to what Tobey was saying. It was like, ‘Oh, the intention feels very pure here. It actually feels like a great creative idea and a great creative story.’”

“Getting three Spider-Men together could go one of two ways, and I think it’s a testament to these guys that it went the way that it went, which was a brotherhood, which is just beautiful,” Garfield added. “This is a deep movie. This is a movie that is about coming of age, an acceptance of loss, acceptance of death, taking responsibility for your gifts. I was torn open by the journey that Tom went on; it’s classic Peter Parker, but it felt totally fresh and totally reimagined. It is like, Tom’s origin story was happening in his third movie rather than his first. There’s something so profound.”

“I was just grateful every day. Really, it was such a rich experience and, as the guys have touched on, the kind of sharing of something and the brotherhood of it. It was just so rich, emotional,” Maguire continued. “It was pretty wild to witness the immensity of all of this history coming together and being put into, what Andrew was saying, this standalone, worthwhile story.”

With NO WAY HOME capping off Holland’s first trilogy, many fans speculated whether Holland would return as Spider-Man in future movies. But Holland offered no assurances either way.

“The truth is, and you’re not going to like the truth, I don’t know the answer to that question,” he said. “This film for me was as special as an experience could ever be. Sharing the screen with these guys. Playing Spider-Man could be quite an alienating experience because, you know, we’re the only three blokes who have done it. So to share that with you two, it’s been such a wonderful experience, of which I have such amazing memories.

“I know I love this character, and I know that I am not ready to say goodbye,” Holland continued. “But if it’s time for me to say goodbye, then I will do so proudly, knowing that I’ve achieved everything I wanted to with this character, and sharing it with these boys will be forever one of the most special experiences of my career. So, if it’s time, it’s time. If it’s not, it’s not. But at the moment, I don’t know.”

Quality: - Content: +1
Quality: - Content: +1