
Kirk Cameron Reminds Us Where Our Hope Is (It’s Not Politics)

Kirk Cameron Reminds Us Where Our Hope Is (It’s Not Politics)

By Movieguide® Contributor

Actor, author, speaker and activist Kirk Cameron explains where we need to find our hope.

“Listen, our hope is not going to be in getting the right person into the presidency, although we want the best person into the presidency. Our hope is in the power of God awakening the family of faith to get back to governing themselves under the principles found in God’s word and bringing real revival to our hearts, to our homes, to our communities and to our nation,” Cameron told podcaster Heidi St. John.

He continued, “But it’s going to take hard work, and it’s going to take time, and we’ve got to each do our part and begin to rebuild civilization starting at our dinner table and talking to our kids and reading them stories in school and doing the hard work.”

The actor is putting in the hard work to bring culture back to Christ through several avenues. His upcoming book, “Born To Be Brave: How To Be A Part of America’s Spiritual Comeback,” promises to equip believers to, among other things, “boldly engage friends, family, and the community with gospel truths that affect all of society.”

“God did not journey from heaven to Earth to make us cowards in the face of evil; we were born to be brave,” he wrote on his social media. “[The book] will give you, as a person of faith, tools for real hope and courage in the midst of the moral and cultural dumpster-fire we are experiencing in America.”

Last month, Cameron hosted his second annual “See You At the Library” event which “drew tens of thousands of people to 360 children’s library readings” across the country, the Washington Times reported. At the events, attendees recited the Pledge of Allegiance, sang “God Bless America” and listened to hosts read kid-friendly books.

“That’s what’s so beautiful about it. These are families that showed up, and they have their kids all waving all these American flags. Not rainbow flags,” Cameron said.

“I’m so thankful that the values that they’re celebrating are the values that made this such a great country, like faith and morality and education, law and liberty,” he added.

Movieguide® previously reported on Cameron’s work to bring faith and traditional values back to America:

Kirk Cameron the answer for how parents can give their kids the best possible future, and it starts with the books they’re reading. 

“I want to talk to you about Scholastic Book Fairs. Remember those, as a kid? Oh, they were so much fun,” Cameron said during an episode of his “American Campfire Revival” podcast…

Cameron asked, “What if there was an alternative to Scholastic Books…where [kids] could get their hands on wholesome content that celebrated the values that they believed in?”

Sky Tree Book Fairs was formed “by a concerned group of parents who worked with Kirk Cameron throughout his public library story hour tour and were inspired by his actions,” according to their website.

“They recognized the need for a reliable and safe option for book distribution in schools. Those parents knew they were facing direct competition with companies like Scholastic but endured to overcome the monopoly on children’s book publishing and distribution,” the description continued. 

Watch THE CHOSEN: Episode 3.5: “Clean, Part 2”
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