
Lori Loughlin Remembers Falling to Her Knees When Bob Saget Died

Lori Loughlin Remembers Falling to Her Knees When Bob Saget Died

By Movieguide® Contributor

Two years after FULL HOUSE star Bob Saget’s passing, his co-star Lori Loughlin remembers when she got the news that he died.

“I was playing golf. It was a Sunday, and I was with [husband Mossimo Giannulli], and we just came off the golf course, and I had my phone in my bag,” Loughlin said on the “How Rude, Tanneritos!” podcast.

“I took my phone out of my bag, and I had probably 25 missed phone calls. As I’m looking at my phone, I have 25 missed phone calls from John [Stamos],” she said. “I have 15 missed calls from Dave [Coulier]. I think I had a few missed phone calls from Candace [Cameron-Bure].”

She knew whatever they were calling her about was bad news.

“I couldn’t imagine what was going on. My phone rang in my hand, and it was Jodie [Sweetin],” who said, “It’s Bob…he’s gone.”

“I just fell to my knees. And I just remember [Mossimo] trying to pick me up and get me out to the car to the parking lot,” Loughlin shared.

In January 2022, Saget passed away at age 65 from blunt head trauma after he experienced a fall.

Loughlin is still reeling from the loss.

“It was just…I still can’t believe it. I still can’t believe it. It’s still is hard to believe,” she said.

“It’s such a loss. You somehow still think, ‘Oh, maybe he’ll come back.’ It’s just hard to believe,” she continued.

One year after Saget’s death, FULL HOUSES’s John Stamos spoke of Saget’s support and his refusal to accept his death.

“Bob was there for me like no other,” he said. “I’m not ready to accept that he’s gone. I’m not going to say goodbye yet. I imagine him out there, still on the road, doing what he loves with all his heart and humor.”

“He’s standing on stage, killing! Another two-hour set in front of a couple hundred of the luckiest people on the planet…Everyone here wants an encore with Bob,” he continued.

Loughlin remembered the “good man” as a loving father and spouse.

“His first wife, Sherri, is just a lovely person, and Kelly [Rizzo] is just amazing,” she said. “And I’m glad, even though their time was short, he found Kelly. He waited a long time on Kelly to have that kind of love. I’m glad he had it for a little while.”

About Saget’s three daughters, she said, “It’s a big loss for all of us, but especially for them.”

This year, Loughlin beat Rizzo to Saget’s grave and left a large arrangement of flowers.

“I went to visit him at the cemetery in the morning, and it was actually kind of a funny moment because I brought a few, like, small flowers. And right when I got there, there was a massive flower arrangement,” Rizzo told Fox News Digital. “I knew that it was from Lori Loughlin. I’m like, ‘I bet that’s from Lori.’ And, sure enough, they were from Lori.”

“It was really nice to see that she’d been there too and we both left some flowers for Bob. It was nice that I got to spend that time with him,” she said.

A longtime volunteer for Project Angel Foods, Loughlin frequently makes food deliveries in the area where Saget is buried.

“So, quite often what I do is I’ll do the deliveries and then I’ll stop and get flowers and I’ll go up and I’ll put them on the grave,” she said.

“There’s something oddly comforting. His family is there, so he’s close by his mom and his dad and his sister. But that he’s so close to Warner Bros. where we shot the show is kind of oddly comforting,” Loughlin said.

Her work with Project Angel Foods inspired the 2023 movie A CHRISTMAS BLESSING. She won a Movieguide® Grace Prize® and a Teddy Bear Award® for her performance in it.

Movieguide® reported:

“I’m just so honored and so surprised,” she said about winning her awards, “but the movie really meant a lot to me because it was really based on the volunteer work I do at Project Angel Food, and I spoke to Alfonso Moreno, and I was just telling him my experience being at Project Angel Food and how it feels so good to be part of a charity and giving back,” she said about the movie’s writer and co-executive producer. “But what you realize is you’re getting so much more in return.”

Loughlin said previously that her work with Project Angel Food has “been one of the most rewarding experiences” of her life.

“That was the epiphany I had in the middle of all the work I was doing there, and… it just brought me so much joy, and I told Al…from that germ of an idea, he just created the most beautiful movie,” she said. “So it really means a lot to me, this movie, and to get an award for it is the icing on the cake.”

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