Matt and Beth Redman Share Church Abuse Stories in Soul Survivor Documentary
By Movieguide® Contributor
Worship artists Matt and Beth Redman are sharing their stories of suffering in a Soul Survivor YouTube documentary, which highlights abuse allegations under the leadership of UK Soul Survivor movement founder Mike Pilavachi.
“Let There Be Light… is a response to the Soul Survivor abuse investigation that was revealed last year,” Relevant said on April 9. “Soul Survivor was a Christian evangelical charismatic youth movement in the UK founded by Pilavachi in 1993. It held annual UK summer festivals, gathering up to 30,000 young people each year.”
It also held conventions in Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand, South Africa and the Netherlands.
After the Church of England began to investigate allegations of abuse, it discovered inappropriate physical contact between Pilavichi and male interns and evidence of “coercive control.”
One victim statement shown in the documentary says, “A pattern of hurt emerged early on when it came to the young men who Mike would single out. It was not a secret. Young men were being picked up then discarded year after year…There seemed to be no one who Mike was accountable to.”
“Hundreds” of victims asked the Redmans for support, and they obliged.
“This is a story that needed to be told,” Matt, a UK native, said. “Close to 150 people spoke to the initial investigation into Mike Pilavachi’s conduct and that report substantiated claims of physical, psychological and spiritual abuse. For me, this is also a personal story.”
“From the age of 13, I experienced that mistreatment firsthand—and it still affects me to this day,” he continued. “But we didn’t make this documentary to cast stones. Instead, we want to bring light and hope to the situation, as well as to help the Church learn from what we and others have experienced.”
Redman told the public about his story for the first time last summer. He was previously abused at a Soul Survivor festival.
He and Beth highlight the absence of care for victims in the documentary.
“We hope this film conveys just how much we love and believe in the body of Christ,” Beth said. “Our prayer is for the healing of yesterday’s wounds—and a brighter, safer Church for tomorrow.”
Matt said on Instagram on April 9, “We tell our story to shine light and help validate other’s experiences. It would have been much easier to say nothing – but a culture of silence up until now has been a significant force. Other voices speaking into this documentary are Dr Diane Langberg (recognised for her 50 years of clinical work with trauma victims), Dr Chi-Chi Obuaya (a respected London Harley Street consultant psychiatrist) and Dr Amy Orr-Ewing (a regarded UK theologian with a passion to advocate for survivors of abuse).”
The Redmans want viewers to understand that while the abuse was and is terrible, it’s not a reason to turn away from Christ.
“The film also points to some key organisations who provide support in this area and also safeguarding resources for churches,” Matt continued. “While speaking on a painful subject it’s also important to acknowledge all of the pastors out there faithfully loving those that God has entrusted to them.”
LET THERE BE LIGHT released on April 9 and is currently available on YouTube.
Movieguide® reported on Matt’s recent music project on Apr. 1:
Matt Redman recently released a new version of “How Great Thou Art” for the hymn’s 75th anniversary and explained why he believes so many Christians love the song.
“You go around churches, different streams, and expressions of church—you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn’t find some kind of connection to this hymn,” Redman told CBN, noting that much of the song’s popularity came when it was included on Billy Graham’s tours…
While “How Great Thou Art” cannot normally be adapted because it’s still protected by copyright, the Stuart Hine Trust, which holds the song’s rights, approached Redman to create a new rendition to celebrate the hymn’s 75th anniversary. The result was a collaboration between 16 Christian artists and a new verse updated for today.