
New Movie UNDEFILED Sheds Light on Issue of Porn Addiction

New Movie UNDEFILED Sheds Light on Issue of Porn Addiction

By Movieguide® Contributor

A new movie, UNDEFILED, will explore a baseball player’s struggle to overcome a pornography addiction and shine a light on people around the world who suffer from the same problem.

“Struggling with an endless cycle of family-destroying addiction and shame, an aging Mitch Jennings (Bradford Haynes) finally gets his shot at professional baseball turning his back on a team secret that may cost a sex-trafficked young girl her life,” a synopsis of the movie reads.

UNDEFILED was produced by Journey Church in Joplin, Missouri, through their Light of Life Films company. It is their first feature-length movie.

“Church leaders and film producers, Shannon Whitsett and Patty Mark, worked with director Matthew McCaulley and his family, Daniel, and David, to write Dr. [Kevin] Whisman’s research showcasing these pornography triggers throughout the suspenseful baseball backdrop,” WHNT wrote of the movie.

Whisman has worked with over 10,000 individuals, 50% of whom have “unwanted sexual thoughts and behaviors.”

Matthew McCaulley told The Baptist Paper that the “main goal” of UNDEFILED “is to glorify God and pursue the message He’s given us to put forward,” adding, “We want it to be the best it can be and be entertaining, but we also wanted there to be a high ministry value.”

McCaulley would give the movie a PG-13 rating but encourages parents to bring older teens as he hopes it will spark meaningful discussions. 

“The movie deals with some addictions and such that are somewhat taboo and not talked about a lot, I think it will open up a lot of discussions, husbands and wives, between parents and teens, and that’s really what we intended, there’s follow up materials ready to go from some of our ministry partners,” he told KSN16.

Movieguide® previously reported on others who have spoken out about the effects of pornography exposure:

From stars like singer Billie Eilish to actor Terry Crews, more celebrities are speaking out about the dangers of pornography.

“Any time a celebrity speaks up about porn’s harmful effects, countless more people have the opportunity to see what the research is saying,” said Fight the New Drug, a secular organization that advocates for a porn-free lifestyle.

The organization shared quotes from seven celebrities, including Billie Eilish, Terry Crews, Orlando Bloom, Marisol Nichols, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Josh Radnor and Juliette Binoche.

Actor Josh Radnor said, “Porn peddles selfishness, domination, and oppression—all terrible qualities to bring to a relationship. It strips women of personality, agency, and dimensionality, reducing them to objects who exist simply for men’s sexual pleasure.”

Singer Billie Eilish confessed, “I think it really destroyed my brain, and I feel incredibly devastated that I was exposed to so much porn…It got to a point where I couldn’t watch anything else—unless it was violent, I didn’t think it was attractive.”

Actor Terry Crews said, “My issue was, and is, with pornography, that it changes the way you think about people. People become objects, people become body parts; they become things to be used rather than people to be loved.”

UNDEFILED is available to stream on AppleTV, Tubi, and Amazon Prime. Movieguide® has not reviewed UNDEFILED and cannot advise on its content. 

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