
Phil Robertson Reminds Us ‘Victory is Ours’ Through Christ

Phil Robertson Reminds Us ‘Victory is Ours’ Through Christ

By Movieguide® Contributor

DUCK DYNASTY’s Phil Robertson is reminding us that “we win because God won.”

“No matter what lies the enemy is whispering in your ear, no matter how hurt or hopeless you feel, I want you to remember this: We’ve already won,” Robertson wrote on Instagram. “Victory is ours. Jesus overcame death itself so that we might live. He triumphed on the cross, and the evil one can never undo that. We win because God won.”

He continued, “We’re not promised it will be easy. We’ll face plenty of struggles here on this rock we call Earth. Things happen that make us feel distant from God, and some days it’s hard to think any of the naysayers out there could ever turn their lives around.”

“Don’t let that discourage you,” Robertson concluded. “He has given us a way to become brand new. Believe in the Lord and see the changes he brings about in the hardest of hearts.”

He then shared 1 Corinthians 15:57 — “But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Robertson frequently shares messages of faith on his Instagram account. 

In one recent post, he wrote, “When God makes a promise, he keeps it. That’s who he is. He doesn’t just tell the truth. He IS truth. He doesn’t just bring life. He IS life. God cannot lie, and God cannot die, so put your hope in him. His promises will always be kept.”

Movieguide® previously reported:

DUCK DYNASTY legend Phil Robertson is all “fired up” about God’s eternal kingdom and the hope that lies in Jesus Christ.

“I’m fired up about being in a kingdom. We have an invisible king, but He’s all over the earth, and the kingdom is growing, and it’s been tried to wipe it out over and over and over, but we’re all still here,” Robertson said in an Instagram clip from his podcast on June 8.

“This doesn’t just encourage me — it gets me fired up,” he continued in the caption. “I hope it does the same for you.”

Robertson finds solace in the fact that, ultimately, nothing will destroy faith in God and the hope of eternity in heaven.

“We’re part of an eternal kingdom that will never expire and can never be crushed,” he said. “The evil one has tried time and time again to wipe it out, but he never will. Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords, and he will always triumph.”

Robertson has also talked about his views on cancel culture, telling Fox News, “In the dangerous game of cancel culture, there are no winners.”

“Today, I’m far more concerned about making sure I introduce God into my interaction with folks who practice cancel culture. Instead of political correctness, I’m all about biblical correctness,” he continued. “While I detest the practices of cancel culture, as a follower of Christ, I have to be careful that I am not guilty of doing what they do. I don’t want to treat them the same way they treat me. I want to do things the way God has instructed me to do them.”

Robertson concluded, “Let’s fight using the weapons God has given, and fight with passion. Rather than killing people in the war that God has called us to fight, let’s be about freeing them from the lies that distort minds and destroy lives.”

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