
Carrie Underwood Continues to Give God the Glory Despite Painful Losses

Carrie Underwood Continues to Give God the Glory Despite Painful Losses

By Allyson Vannatta, Staff Writer

Country star Carrie Underwood thanked God during a surprise presentation as her 2018 album Cry Pretty was certified Platinum by the RIAA, according to Nash Country Daily.

“This means a lot, because I feel like this is the project that I’ve done, and the album that I’ve done, that is the most ‘me.’ I’m honored and I’m humbled, and God is good,” said Carrie.

Underwood is open about her faith and doesn’t shy away from talking about God.

In a new interview with Women’s Health, Underwood opened up about the pain of suffering miscarriages.

“For my body to not be doing something it was ‘supposed to do’ was a tough pill to swallow. It reminded me I’m not in control of everything,” said Underwood.

Her Women’s Health interview is not the first time the starlet has opened up her infertility struggles. In previous interviews, she mentioned how her faith played a role in processing through the trauma.

“In the beginning it was like, ‘Okay, God, we know this just wasn’t Your timing. And that is all right. We will bounce back and figure our way through it.’ And got pregnant again in the spring, and it didn’t work out.”

As CBS reported:

Then one night, after what she thought was another miscarriage, she says she prayed like never before.

“Mike was away just for the evening, and I texted him, and I was like, ‘I don’t really want to be alone, so I’m just gonna go snuggle with Isaiah.’ And I don’t know how I didn’t wake him up, but I was just sobbing,” Underwood said. “And I was like, ‘Why on Earth do I keep getting pregnant if I can’t have a kid? Like, what is this? Shut the door. Like, do something. Either shut the door or let me have a kid.’

“And for the first time, I feel like I actually told God how I felt. And I feel, like, we’re supposed to do that. That was like a Saturday – and the Monday I went to the doctor to, like, confirm, another miscarriage. And they told me everything was great!

“And I was like, ‘You heard me.’ Not that He hasn’t in the past. But maybe, I don’t know, He heard me.”

She now has two sons, Isaiah (5) and Jacob (13 months), who are healthy young boys. But, it wasn’t easy getting to the point she is now with her family.

She previously told People Magazine about her process of healing after the miscarriages she suffered.

“Of course you wonder if it’s you, what am I doing wrong, or what have I done wrong. I remember having conversations with [husband Mike Fisher] trying to make sense of it all.”

Underwood added that after this, she had a heart-to-heart talk with God.

“I’ve always wanted to be a good daughter to my parents but also to God and not complain, because we are beyond blessed. I get to do what I love, I have an incredible family. I have Mike, I have Isaiah, I have great parents. I have all of these amazing people around me, and I don’t want to complain, ever.”

She continued,

“But the miscarriages made me get real with God and say, ‘Okay, I’m kind of giving up a little bit. If this isn’t meant to happen, then I need to accept that and know that someday I’ll understand why.’”

Soon after is when Underwood and her husband received the news she was pregnant with her youngest son and everything was okay.

Please pray for continued healing for Underwood and that she remains faithful in the plan God has for her life.


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