
Top Stories of 2020: Singer Demi Lovato Says She’s Focusing on Her Relationship with the Lord

Photo Courtesy of Demi Lovato/YouTube

Top Stories of 2020:

Singer Demi Lovato Says She’s Focusing on Her Relationship with the Lord

By Allyson Vannatta, Staff Writer

Editor’s note: As 2020 draws to a close, Movieguide® wants to take a moment to remember the stories that shaped faith and entertainment news throughout the year. While mainstream media reported on the negative, Movieguide® chose to focus on what is good, pure, true, and lovely. Despite the discouraging headlines around the world, we still saw God move mightily – even in the entertainment industry. The following is one of our top stories for 2020, as selected by you, our readers. Thank you for supporting movieguide.org this year. We pray we will continue to see God’s presence and goodness manifest even more in 2021. This article originally published on February 3, 2020.

In a new interview with Zane Lowe for Apple Music, singer/actress Demi Lovato opened up about her journey before and after her life-threatening overdose in 2018.

Most of the interview surrounds conversation about her new single, ‘Anyone,’ and the process of recording it.

However, the conversation turns a corner when Lowe asks her what makes her happiest right now.

“When I think about what makes me happy, I think about my family, I think about my friends, about my team. I think about meaningful relationships.”

Then she switches topics and talks about church.

“I started going to church. I was not really a big church person, even a month ago,” said Lovato.

She doesn’t take full credit for finding a church on her own, though. Lovato recalls a rough night when she was with her manager, Scooter Braun, and he invited her to a Bible study.

“He was like, ‘Hey do you want to go to a Bible study?’ And I was like, ‘Wait aren’t you Jewish?’” She said as she laughed.

“If it’s going to help you, let’s go,” she recalled him saying.

“He took me there and I had heard God clearer than I had heard him in a long time. I need to focus on myself and my relationship with myself and my relationship with God,” said Lovato.

The singer talked about how she tried to find God through others things.

“I tried to seek God through other experiences, whether that’s through other relationships or substances. And it’s just like, I had to realize that the God that I’m seeking, the God that I love and the God that I want to be my God is available 24/7, always at an arm’s length and constantly with me.”

Movieguide® previously reported that Lovato was baptized in the Jordan River in Israel last year.

The singer just made her debut back into the public eye performing her song, “Anyone” at the Grammys.

Please continue to pray for Lovato as she continues to heal from her past experiences. Pray that she seeks the Lord in all she does and that she grows closer to Him and His Word.

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